View Full Version : Can't import dwg. content into paperspace?

Les Therrien
2005-11-11, 03:52 PM
I know I use to be able to do this but it won't let me!?
I am using ADT 3.3 and Revit 8.1

When I go to import I get the message:

"Some elements were lost during import. ActiveX and some proprietary components cannot be imoprted. Try exploding the file in AutoCAD, or setting PROXYGRAPHICS to1."

I did this and it didn't work.
What I am trying to import is a north arrow. After the message comes up and I press OK it imports an old title block from the .dwg file.
This is strange. Has anyone had this problem? or have a fix rather?

Chris DiSunno
2005-11-11, 03:58 PM
Why not create your north arrow as an drafting symbol and a title block in revit so you don't have to enter the info over and over?

Les Therrien
2005-11-11, 04:17 PM
That's a good idea, however, what I was doing was trying to import information from a survey done by someone else.
I could not get it to work so I just imported it into model space.

2005-11-12, 01:19 AM
What is paperspace? And what is modelspace?.......

Sorry, I had to say that, it sounds like you've got your feet firmly planted in the Autocad world.

I insisted that we get Revit Series so I wouldn't loose the ability to use Autocad, but come to think of it, I haven't even used Autocad in many weeks now...

Michael Vaughn
BWG Architecture

2005-11-13, 10:02 PM
I know I use to be able to do this but it won't let me!?
I am using ADT 3.3 and Revit 8.1

When I go to import I get the message:

"Some elements were lost during import. ActiveX and some proprietary components cannot be imoprted. Try exploding the file in AutoCAD, or setting PROXYGRAPHICS to1."

I did this and it didn't work.
What I am trying to import is a north arrow. After the message comes up and I press OK it imports an old title block from the .dwg file.
This is strange. Has anyone had this problem? or have a fix rather?


I remember having a similar message a while back. In my case, it had a selection of OK and CANCEL, I think. I just remember that I pushed a response as if to ignore it (probabley a CANCEL) and the file was imported without any further problems. Is this an option for you?

John Mc

2005-11-14, 12:20 AM
When I go to import I get the message:

"Some elements were lost during import. ActiveX and some proprietary components cannot be imoprted. Try exploding the file in AutoCAD, or setting PROXYGRAPHICS to1."

I get this exact message as well, when trying to import a DWG file from ArchiCAD 8.5.
There are no paperspace elements, and trying to open it as modelspace (losing any titleblock information maybe) does not work.
I have been told the problem is the ArchiCAD converter and a way around it is to open the file in AutoCAD. That is unacceptable to me.
Revit is supposed to be able to deal effectively with this whole issue.

I have had DWG files out of ArchiCAD 8.5 which opened correctly and were correctly scaled when : the operator who batched the file told me she exported at a particular scale, so knowing that allowed me to import at that scale and all was well.

Also, I am told the ArchiCAD operator needs to Export direct from the model and not from PlotMaker. Exporting form PlotMaker seems to guarantee I get the above message that you are getting.
Any help ?
