View Full Version : server shut down--Revit practice

cliff collins
2005-11-11, 04:22 PM
We have had a few times when the server will lock up or shut down, either during the workday or off hours.

The question is, what is the best way to maintain workflow when the server shuts down
while Revit users are working.

We always use worksets, and save local copy and then STC.

In the Autocad years, we would "sync" our files so that if the server goes down you can continue working locally and then the files will sync when the server comes back online.

Is there a similar practice that the industry recommends for Revit?


2005-11-11, 05:57 PM
Revit 8.1 allows to borrow elements "on fly". Every time Revit send a request to Central file If your server is shut down the user can't get an access for element editing.

If user plans to work without server for a some time the best way is to open worksets dialog box and make desired worksets editable. This operation locks all elements of the worksets in Central file. So nobody can edit the same elements. Every user have to make editable his own set of worksets. User even can take the local file home and work with it as long as he need. After that he can bring his file to office and just make a command "Save to Central". His changes upload to central file and he gets project changes done by other users. To allow coworkers to work with locked worksets user must make its Non Editable in Worksets window.

Hope this basic information will be useful.