View Full Version : revisions schedules

2005-11-11, 04:57 PM
I know how to add revisions schedules to my titleblocks; but do any of you smart guys know how to add the revisions so that it fills in a revision number parameter automatically in a titleblock; taking data from the revision schedule?

2005-11-11, 05:43 PM
I know how to add revisions schedules to my titleblocks; but do any of you smart guys know how to add the revisions so that it fills in a revision number parameter automatically in a titleblock; taking data from the revision schedule?
How about this way?
Make two revision schedules - format one to only show Revision Number place this in the appropriate position in your titleblock

2005-11-11, 10:34 PM
Cheers Rhys....sounds like a cool idea...I'll give it a go. Thanx.

2006-06-14, 03:01 PM
I tried this and it doesn't work

The revision number in the title block showns all the revisions as a list. There is no way to filter out the revision to show just the last revision number.....

2006-08-02, 07:24 AM
Try formatting the revision table in the Sorting/Grouping field and unticking the 'Itemize every instance'.

I have done this and it seems to be working, fingers crossed.

Andrew Dobson
2006-08-02, 07:59 AM
Is there are way to make Revit use either revision letters instead of numbers, or numbers with a suffix - e.g. C1 for Construction 1 or T1 for tender 1?

2006-08-02, 09:17 AM
I use the 'Issued To' box for issue letters, then the normal sequence numbers for individual revisions - I think this was a tip from these forums. This lets you have multiple revision clouds / descriptions per issue. Handy when you don't want "Ground Floor Replanned" to pop up on all your window details, for instance. You just have to construct your revision schedules on your sheets accordingly.

The Issued To column is useless anyway, because we frequently issue to multiple people at a time.

2006-08-02, 10:58 AM
I tried this and it doesn't work

The revision number in the title block showns all the revisions as a list. There is no way to filter out the revision to show just the last revision number.....
Look at this example, for use with Sheet Revisions, seems to work, although there is a spurious "1" when you enter the first revision

Chad Smith
2006-08-02, 09:29 PM
This method fails as soon as you add more than one revision cloud on the sheet for the same revision sequence, but it's pretty close.

For calculated formulas, I'd like to see 2 more formula abbreviations, Max and Min. Then for the revisions you could create a Calculated Value and give it a formula of something like Max(Revision Number), simple.

2006-08-03, 09:53 AM
This method fails as soon as you add more than one revision cloud on the sheet for the same revision sequence, but it's pretty close.

For calculated formulas, I'd like to see 2 more formula abbreviations, Max and Min. Then for the revisions you could create a Calculated Value and give it a formula of something like Max(Revision Number), simple.
True one revision cloud per revision only. Can a formula guru come up with anything?

2006-08-04, 06:11 PM
i have this figured out. the problem lies herein:

the revision schedule needs to include an initial "submission" (like "Permit Submission") which gets no number (or 0). Then the first revision can get the (delta)1 and the next (delta)2, and so on. Seems strange that my permit submission (which normally occurs!) has to be number 1, and then my first revision gets #2. I am trying to avoid confusion, but I suppose I could build the field for permit submission and its date right into the titleblock, and then just show the revision schedule below it...

Other than this, the revision schedule works like a champ.

2006-08-04, 07:01 PM
I wonder if the issue is more that we try to use the Revision feature to record document delivery/submissions. Should we have a feature dedicated to document the delivery of deliverables apart from revisions? Seems like we might be better off that way?

2006-08-04, 07:37 PM
check my post regarding scheduled sheet issue dates. I think the matter should be handled as one and the same with revision dates. essentially, its the same thing, except one goes to a governing body, and the other goes to some non-governing body. both are certainly issues or re-issues. i dunno. that's my take though...

2006-12-12, 09:11 PM
How did you guys get the second schedule in the titleblock file? I tried everything from copying to creating a new instance, but all those options are disabled. What am I missing?

I guess my question was answered in this post.

2007-01-12, 03:29 AM
We do a lot of smaller projects and generally they will be on A3. Sometimes we run out of space in our revision area and we have been doing a bit of a tedious work around.
Firstly we do a A4 sheet with a drafting view called revisions placed off the sheet. All new revisions have a cloud placed on this view as all the revisions will show up in schedule.
With the drawing sheets, we start deleting older revision clouds to remove them from the revision schedule. This can only be done by un-checking the issued box for the revisions.
This process removes reference of older revisions on sheets when the list gets too long, but still shows everything on our revision sheet.

I would love to know if there is a better way of doing this.

2007-01-12, 01:38 PM
I also use your method of removing reference of older revisions on sheets when the list gets too long.

Firstly we do a A4 sheet with a drafting view called revisions placed off the sheet. All new revisions have a cloud placed on this view as all the revisions will show up in schedule.

I dont bother with this because we save all superseded exported autocad dwg files to archive. Therefore if i want to check an older revision which has been deleted from revit i just refer to the autocad file.

2007-01-15, 09:35 PM
Anybody!~ how do you get it to have an initial submission which would be blank in the first place.? I tried to manipulate the schedule but cant seem get it to do much of anything towards this? I am sure you can, I just need to know how you would do that!.

My situation is that I need to have several initial submissions before I even get to a revision, ex; issued for preliminary pricing, issued for review, issued for client review, etc.

and they don't seem to show when I add them manually using the "settings, revisions, add new" which will Add a new row on the schedule but it wont show anything on the schedule on sheet!

Also I need my revision schedule to go up insted of down, thant isthe fevision numbers are above the shcedule tile. can anyone help me with that.?

Thanks Chris

2008-07-23, 08:57 AM
True one revision cloud per revision only. Can a formula guru come up with anything?

Going back in time here (managing revisions still bugging me though!) - but isn't it simply a matter of adding multiple clouds within the same sketch? That way they are effectively one revision while showing as many clouds as you want on each sheet.