View Full Version : Roof hatch not displaying properly

Chad Smith
2005-11-14, 06:21 AM
I got a roasting today from my boss because Revit couldn't display some roof hatching properly.
If you have a look at the attached screen shot you can see that there is some hatching at the top which displays correctly, but then on the roof under it and on the lower roof I get a grey shade, almost as though the lines have blended together.
But the thing is, the roof hatching that does display properly is actually a more dense hatch than the one that's not.

I get the same results when printing to a physical printer, PDF and DWF.

Since I can't control the line thickness of the hatching, only it's colour I don't know what to do to get around this.

This is not the only project it is doing it on either. It happens in many others.

2005-11-14, 01:35 PM
I have had the same frustrating experience with roof or sometimes wall hating not displaying properly. I am sure this is not the response you are looking for, but I simply turn off all hatching and fall back on traditional hand drafting conventions. I label each area with text and sometimes (depending on the project) draft in small areas of hatch. Again this is not cool, and something I fight each time it occurres, but it is the only way I a have found to generate consistent output.

2005-11-14, 02:32 PM
in general Hatching stinks in Revit, i have had problems too when sometimes it does not show at all in 3D and it it is not at all user friendly regarding changing hatch scale or origin points.
I didn't try this myself but I wonder if you change the hatch from model to drafting if it will help.

2005-11-14, 04:24 PM
I have the same problem when I do PDF's files. I submitted this issue to Revit technical support but they were not able to reproduce the problem, so I still have no answer to the hatching problem, and it is really annoying.

Scott D Davis
2005-11-14, 04:45 PM
Once hatches reach a certain "scale" they turn gray. Change the size of the hatch, or the scale of the view, to get all hatches to show.

Chad Smith
2005-11-14, 09:19 PM
Once hatches reach a certain "scale" they turn gray.
Definitely not something I agree with Revit doing. It should only turn grey when the lines have a line thickness thick enough, and close enough, to blend them together.
The current method seems to be a performance thing, but we can't have Revit dictating how our drawings are going to look for issues like this, without providing an override. It is providing inaccurate results.

Change the size of the hatch, or the scale of the view, to get all hatches to show.
But this is a good suggestion, and one that I have had to implement in the meantime.

2005-11-14, 09:29 PM
Personally, this is a challenge on 3D views more so than elevations. A stone hatch will show properly in the foreground, then it goes to grayscale in the midground and background. I too wish this problem were surmountable. So far, I'm still frustrated with this.

2005-11-14, 10:16 PM
Its awful and it didn't used to be this way, prior to release 4.0 or 4.5 you never had this issue. now its on almost every drawing I do. I've gotten so used to it that I've forgotten to bring it up on the wishlist. The only solution is to find the simplest hatch pattern and make it big enough to avoid the problem. Not always aesthetically acceptable.