View Full Version : Topo strangeness

2005-11-14, 08:31 PM
Maybe it's just how I did it, but my topo exhibited some rather strange behavior, see red circled areas in the attached picture. I started with a map in AutoCAD gave each topo line a z height (the file is attached) then imported and used the Toposurface tool to read only the topo lines. But I end up with some very odd pointy bits. Am I doing something wrong? Any tips either on how to re-import it without the weird pieces or how to fix it? thanks in advance...


2005-11-14, 08:35 PM
Edit topo points. You will see all of thepoints in question. It looks as though you have a few negative points or very positive ones. Select the points at the intersections and see what their value is. You will most likely have to reset it.

2005-11-14, 09:31 PM
not exactly sure what you mean by the intersections nor how to reset them. Could you clarify that, sjsl?
I have tried cleaning up the heights of some of the points (either higher or lower), as well as changing the postion, but it still doesn't look great. Is there another program that can interpret topo lines better that revit can then import?

2005-11-14, 10:13 PM
pick on your surface, click edit, then in a 3d view orient to front or back you will see you have some single points at 0, just delete them.