View Full Version : Code Analysis

2005-11-15, 02:02 AM
What are most of you doing for your project information/code analysis representation on the title page..i.e. Construction type, no. of stories, area increase etc.? I have just done a bunch of text notes but know that isn't the most efficient way. Is there a good way of using a schedule key, which would organize the data in a "pick-able" format, and something that gets put into table format for presentation? If so, what category would you be creating the key for. Maybe someone could elaborate and post an example? Thanks!!

Tom Dorner
2005-11-15, 05:11 AM
We just do it in Excel, print to PDF, save to JPG and place on cover sheet in Revit. We looked at keeping all in Revit, but Excel seemed better suited to the task at least for the moment.


Scott D Davis
2005-11-15, 06:23 AM
I hope to see XML take care of more of these "OLE" type issues in the future. Since Word/Excel/Etc can write to XML (and Office documents are supposed to be completely XML based in the future) and Revit has some XML export capabilities, hopefully we will see an XML import, or even better, an XML Link in the near future.

Michelle Gibson
2005-11-15, 02:08 PM
In Ontario, Canada we have an Ontario Building Code Matrix that is required on our permit set. It is set up in a table format and is standardized. With Autocad 2006 there is now the ability to create tables (a little rudimentary but manageable) so we created it in Autocad and imported it. Works fine, too bad Revit does not have a table format. If anyone knows a way to do it in Revit, let me know.

2005-11-15, 02:12 PM
I use area analysis for area data, but the rest is just a text notes set up on the cover sheet that I edit per job. Would be cool to figure out a smarter way, maybe families that link to the online code sections for easy reference.