View Full Version : Graphic Overrides & Phasing

2005-11-17, 04:36 PM
Hi all.

I have a commercial renovation I am almost finished with and am down to making some presentation sheets...i.e. the directory board, exit plan etc. I have my phase materials set as follows: new - grey / existing - black. The phasing tool has made my life fantastic as I don't have to think about anything except when stuff is created. But I don't quite understand everything there is to know about graphical overrides. I want all the walls in the presentation plan to be black. But I don't know where to go to change the material for only one view. I see I can change the line type or line color in one view, but not material. I know I'm missing it somewhere. Also, walls that are short, i.e. my lower reception walls and openings in walls etc., are showing up white? That's fine, as it seperates them from the bunch so you know they're there, but why are they white? I would like to know where to change that setting just in case I want it hot pink or something??!! Anyway, thanks ahead of time.

2005-11-17, 05:22 PM
In the visibility settings for that view, look at the lower right. There are some check boxes to override model patterns. This is view specific.

2005-11-18, 03:05 PM
that's not doing it? I should probably clarify my current view settings. I have a color fill applied to the view, so I don't have shading with edges turned on...(because if I do, then all the colors fade or become non existant??) So my view is set to hidden line. My phase is set to show previous + new, which applies those graphical settings previously described in my first post. So I tried applying a new color through the override you have suggested, but nothing happened, even when I did turn on shading with edges? Maybe I'm missing a step?


2005-11-18, 08:16 PM
Just played with it.
With the override that I described above, you have to have set to detail level to 'Coarse'.

2005-11-22, 01:48 AM
My detail level is set to course and still no change? I'll keep playing

2005-11-22, 02:40 AM
My detail level is set to course and still no change? I'll keep playing
Take a look at the attachment... it might help you along.

However, I'm stumped on the short walls. Since you're not cutting through them, they're going to show white... unless you use shaded view. I tried using a plan region around it, but for some reason I couldn't get the plan region to cut through the wall???

2005-11-22, 07:50 PM
Thanks Irusun,

That helped. I was not selecting the "cut pattern" override. I was selecting the "surface pattern" override. But now there is another problem. I have a color fill in the area plan I am working with. When you override the cut pattern color, the whole color fill turns black as well??

I take it back.....I can't get the color to change. I don't know what's going on. It worked in the file you posted? Here is a screen shot as to what is happening. The black is the color fill, and the white walls are not short, there are just like the rest of the walls, same contraints, but different phases, but won't change color.

2005-11-22, 08:14 PM
I take it back.....I can't get the color to change. I don't know what's going on. It worked in the file you posted? Here is a screen shot as to what is happening. The black is the color fill, and the white walls are not short, there are just like the rest of the walls, same contraints, but different phases, but won't change color.
Hmmm, I'm not sure what's going on in your file. What does your color legend look like? Any way you can post the file? Or at least a part of it? Either that or you'll need to be really specific about your override settings, phase settings, etc. ... but it's really easy to miss something without being able to look at it. Maybe someone else here has run into this?