View Full Version : Visibility Parameters Rock!

Scott D Davis
2004-03-12, 03:39 AM
Check this out! All the windows in this attachment are from the exact same family, with instance parameters set up to control visibility of the Trim and Muntins. This is new to 6.1, and I think this could possibly be highlight of this release! So many possibilities for this kind of control.....


2004-03-12, 09:05 AM
That could be one of the highlights, you are right. It will drastically reduce the number of stock windows in the master template and reduce the time spent searching out other variations from our family vault.

Martin P
2004-03-12, 09:09 AM
ohhhhhh that is so good!! we have a few clients I can think of already that are just going to love that, pick a button and muntins appear :) brilliant.

Henry D
2004-03-12, 11:47 AM
Talk about instant wish fulfillment! I was wishing to turn grilles off yesterday without getting into family editing (just like ADT :wink: ) and this morning I can do it.

2004-03-12, 12:11 PM
being away from the office and no time to download and play... How does this affect the schedule of those windows? My guess is that there is a yes/no field that could be shown?

Can you have different mullion patterns? How will we handle that in the schedules? Hmmmm....

2004-03-12, 02:17 PM
being away from the office and no time to download and play... How does this affect the schedule of those windows? My guess is that there is a yes/no field that could be shown?

Can you have different mullion patterns? How will we handle that in the schedules? Hmmmm....

You can have several mullions types, that you could turn on and off, but you can't use conditional formulas to control their visability yet. You can however turn them on and off with check boxes manually. If you make them a shared parameter i don't see why you couldn't schedule them. They are just yes/no parameters, so you would see a yes or no in the schedule, which I think would look a little wierd. It would be much better if yes/no could be displayed as a dot / no dot

2004-03-12, 03:08 PM

We think alike. This example applies the parameters to a nested shutter family. FYI Conditionals can be used to control display. i.e. yes/no param = (width > 3') Once this is satified it becomes a 'yes'

2004-03-17, 01:38 PM
Wow one more step ahead od ADT!!! That is an awesome tool. We are still trying to get it installed because of network license issues, watch out for that!!!!!!

2004-03-17, 02:34 PM
...well the ADT guys would argue they can do that.

You just need to know Lisp, VBA, XML .Net and do a "little" customization.

Silly rabbits.