View Full Version : Calculated labels in Room Tags

2005-11-21, 02:13 AM
Hi all,

I come from an ADT background, where I've developed some room tags with calculated fields, such as Occupancy (user inputs Occupancy Load and the tag shows the rounded up occupancy), another field that compares the Program Area to the Actual Area of a space and displays "alerts" (EX: "over Program SF by 6%"), etc.

I'm trying to do the same in Revit, and after some research, this doesn't seem to be possible, which is kind of a disappointment. But I want to make sure I'm not missing something. The closest I can get seems to be by using calculated fields in schedules, but that's not what I want. Does anyone know of a way to label calculated fields so they show up in room tags?

Depending on the feedback, I might post this in the wish list. Thanks guys!

Scott D Davis
2005-11-21, 02:46 AM
Unfortunately, you cant (yet) include a calculated value in a Tag. It's been brought up as a wish and talked about here before. The subject ironically was Room Occupancy Calculation. Check out the following for a method that will work until we get the ability to Tag with calculated values:

Code information in Room Tags (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=27192)

Exit calc tag (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?p=141742)

2005-11-21, 07:12 PM
Thanks a lot Scott. You led me to the right direction. The Exit Calc Tag post is as close as we can get at this time, but you still need redundant, manual data entry (adding a shared parameter that a user would input in the schedule from a calculated value and have it display as part of the tag). I'm quite surprised that this post was almost 2 years ago and no such features have been added to Revit, which, as a BIM package, should offer such flexibilities and custimization that packages that started as pure 2D packages, now have them too (such as ADT). We'll see where this goes!