View Full Version : How do you create at Light and Vent Schedule

Andre Baros
2004-03-12, 11:44 PM
I would like to do it just in Revit, without having to link to Excel. For those who aren't familiar with a light and vent schedule, I need to show these columns and calculations.
Room Number
Room Name
Room Area
Code Light Required (Room area * constant)
Actual Light Area (Glass area from Window Schedule)
Code Vent Required (Room area * constant)
Actual Vent Area (Area of Operable Windows and Exterior Doors)

If I can't do this all in Revit, is there a tutorial on linking to Excel so that Revit can update area values there?


2004-03-13, 12:01 AM
Lines one to four are all achievable in a room schdule with some minor calcs. The latter sections are trickier as I think there is no way to read from one schedule type into another but I haven't explored the wilder shores of calcs in schedules.

What you need to do is export ODBC data to a spreadsheet which is adequately dealt with int he help files and then manipulate the data in the windows and doors sheets that export produces. You will probably need a room project or shared parameter to be added to the windows and doors so that you can collect them as you need to.

ODBC is a one way street so you will have data you can summarise and then hand enter or you can print to a jpg and then bring that image into Revit and onto your sheet.