View Full Version : Removing a Level

2005-11-21, 10:24 PM
We have accidentally gotten an incorrect level in our project and would like to get rid of it. We have deleted all instances of the level line from all elevations sections etc. But when we create new views they want to attach to that level and it causes real problems like rooms not tagging and walls jumping to the wrong place. How can we delete this level from our project it is really getting problematic

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-11-21, 11:37 PM
Are you sure you 'deleted' the level from elevation and section views and didn't just hide it? Once you delete a level it should wipe it out of the project.
I would warn you that before you take this drastic action that you are sure there are no walls, roof , floors etc referencing the offending level. Those elements will be deleted with the level and you may not notice they are missing.

2005-11-22, 02:25 AM
I agree with Dimitri.....To delete a level is fraut with danger....but if you want to do it, deleting it off the Project Browser is the place to do it.
John Mc

2005-11-22, 04:19 AM
....but if you want to do it, deleting it off the Project Browser is the place to do it.
John Mc
Actually you can't delete a level in the Project Browser, you can only delete associated views (plan and rcp). On the other hand selecting a level in elevation/section and deleting it would delete this level as well as associated plans, rcps and other elements placed on this level.

2005-11-22, 06:37 AM
Actually you can't delete a level in the Project Browser, you can only delete associated views (plan and rcp). On the other hand selecting a level in elevation/section and deleting it would delete this level as well as associated plans, rcps and other elements placed on this level.

OOPS!...Sorry....Bad advice on my part there....(I don't have Revit with me at present...*genuine blush of embarrassment*). So the level is not something that would be deleted as a plan view?...Of course not when I think about it....it could still exist, couldn't it...Glad you were about to pick that up Leonid!
John Mc

2005-11-22, 05:28 PM
Yes I understand about the deleting of items that may be associated. I plan to run some schedules to see what may be attached. However I have made many sections crossing the entire model and cannot find the actual level. All of the other levels show in a new section but this one does not. I thought maybe the extents did not cross any sections so I have created at least 6 all of which must intersect that level somewhere.

I think someone did delete the level from an elevation or section but it was not removed from the list of available levels in the various dialog boxes and so views try to default to it walls and components try to attach to it and it is just a general PITA. I attached 2 images showing the menu pull down and a new section without the level.

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-11-22, 05:35 PM
I think you are right about the extents for the level marker. Try creating a new section but cut it diagonally through the project and well beyond the extent of the walls, to cover as much ground as possible. Then tile the windows with the plan and section views and just keep moving it through the project. You're bound to find it somewhere.

Edit: There has to be better way to track these stray levels down :screwy:

2005-11-22, 05:40 PM

Yeah I have cut sections through the model every which way possible. I have looked all over the model for this level and so far have been unable to find it. I am beginning to wonder if someone did delete the level but something to stuck. Someone in our office thinks they deleted the level early on but it keeps showing up so I wonder.

2005-11-22, 05:43 PM
Thanks Dimitri I found it 900' away from the building.

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-11-22, 05:44 PM
Maybe it knew you were looking to destroy it and it was running away :shock:

2005-11-22, 05:55 PM
Just a suggestion: Looking at your levels - I think you have too many. It looks like you have numerous top of masonry levels. I've found it better to just have levels associated with main floor and critical main structural. The other top of masonry/top of parapet types of things can be illustrated with spot dimensions that look like a level.

2005-11-22, 06:57 PM

Yeah this project has quite a few. It is a remodel project and we have to deal with the existing levels as well as our new ones. The section cuts through both the old and new so all the levels show. When correctly displayed only the relevant levels show. This all came about because I had a drafter who felt a level was required for everything. They even added a level for a Ramp landing even though Revit will do that itself. That is where the Level 2 came from and why it's extents stopped 900' from the building I do not know