View Full Version : Area Calculation ?

2005-11-22, 12:38 AM
Is it possible to display the calculations of an area calculated formula in order to attach it next to the building?
If not can it be done with any lisp routine?

See attachment.

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-11-22, 05:39 AM
You can use area plans and tag the areas to label them. If dimensions are required you can quickly apply those to suit the area plan view. For clarity you can also create colored plans.

2005-11-23, 06:38 AM
I see Dimitri. But is it possible to see the area calculations?

Suppose you have a square so area=a*b, or a triangle area triangle= 1/2*base*height etc.


2005-11-23, 07:58 AM
Can't be done using the standard area tools and we don't have lisp in Revit to allow you to do it yourself.

Why do you need this information? Could it be done some other way?

2005-11-23, 01:05 PM
i think that in revit 8 and upper, you had a option (export room/area report) that create a HTML file with all that information, as it is required in some Europeen country's

2005-11-23, 08:13 PM
Thanks Fernando.
It helps, but I need the calculations as shown in my attachment above. The reason is that the Greek authority for all the buildings, requires all the calculations made in the drawings to be visible for a quick check by their employs. So You outline in a diagram the building areas, and you must present all the calculations made. It is quite hard and very time consuming, especially when you have different levels and a complicated building shape.
I hope I answered Your question Peter why is quite important for us here in Greece.
Thanks fellas!!!!

2005-11-23, 11:23 PM
Why dont you create a series of thin plate families with parameters which you can call upon with predefined calculations summarised in a text parameter

e.g. for a triangle you would have a base width say dimension "a" and a reference line parallel with the base and a distance "h" away from it.

the apex of the triangle would be set at a dimension along the baseline to a reference line perpendicular to it.

The triangle would need a reference ID which can be referred to in the schedule.

You would also need a text field with the expression "Area = 1/2 x a x h" (presumably in Greek)

You would then schedule the area objects and show the calculations text in one column with the parameters alongside and finally a calculated column which sumarised the total area.

If you fill your model with thin plates which you stretch to the overall size required then the schedule should show all your calculations

Note that all parameters need to be shared parameters to be made available to show in schedules.

Note also that the reason you need to use a tin plate is because at present you can not apply shared parameters to 2D objects therefore this can not be done with 2D objects

There is another thread running here


This calls for shared parameters to be enables for 2D objects.


2006-05-07, 03:16 PM
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Wes Macaulay
2006-05-07, 03:26 PM
Wow -- anyone who does area calcs here in Vancouver will see that folks in other parts of the world have to go thru the same torturous process.

You don't need triangle and formulas -- Revit will calculate the right area, and you can put the text for each area on your area plans. You'll have to put boundaries and tags inside each area of course to create all the traingles and rectangles needed.

2006-05-07, 10:19 PM
The "diagramma kalypsis" drawing is very important in Greece. The employe can verify that all the rules have been kept and the building is not bigger or taller or ... than it should.
Generally, since the calculations and the way we need to show them is not standard, I think it will be very difficult to keep everybody satisfied.

I make an area plan and an area schedule where I use Level, Area type, Area and a field like Comments where I type the calculations.
I sometimes use other params, like No of same floors.
I try to keep the shaped to basic ones so that I can find the calculations easily. Now, when I make a change, I just change the calculations and everything else is OK.
Nothing much, but this way I can still use schedules in "diagramma kalypsis".

2006-05-07, 11:04 PM
There is that functionnality in ADT maybe we should move that thread to the wishlist and let the devloppers talked to each other.

2006-05-08, 05:18 PM
Please take a look on Area Report (under Export) which would generate HTML pages with pictures of triangles and table of formulas.

2006-05-09, 07:24 AM
Please take a look on Area Report (under Export) which would generate HTML pages with pictures of triangles and table of formulas.

This is no useful in Greece. It has to be on the sheet and with numbers corresponding to dimensions. It is the sheet where the main control is done.
If you give them 10 pages of printout with area report and analysis, you will have them looking at you with the mouth wide open and the look of a cow when you collect the milk