View Full Version : Would you use a foot activated mouse button?

2005-11-22, 05:53 PM
This would work along with a mouse. What if this was easily integrated into CAD would you buy one, for say $40. I think I would get one.

2005-11-22, 06:02 PM
This would work along with a mouse. What if this was easily integrated into CAD would you buy one, for say $40. I think I would get one.I'm going to move this from the ACAD General forum to this one, as I believe it would be better served here.

And, I would get one, but, wouldn't pay more than the price of a decent mouse.

Glenn Pope
2005-11-22, 06:34 PM
Is there one out there, or are you thinking of making one?

2005-11-23, 12:51 PM
I was thinking of making one but I did a google search and found a few floor switches that hook up through USB but they were over $100.

I just did another search and found one for $35

2005-11-23, 05:37 PM
I was thinking of making one but I did a google search and found a few floor switches that hook up through USB but they were over $100.

I just did another search and found one for $35
http://www.delcom-eng.com/products_USBFSW.asp (http://www.delcom-eng.com/products_USBFSW.asp)Wild! What won't people think of?
Good to see they aren't all so expensive, thanks for the link.

J. Grouchy
2005-11-23, 06:55 PM
I'm a foot-tapper/knee-bouncer...nervous habit or something. I'd probably end up crashing the computer 100 times a day.

2005-11-23, 08:44 PM
i dunno. im not very cordinated at times. seems like more effort than just *clicking* the mouse button

2005-11-23, 09:14 PM
I'm a foot-tapper/knee-bouncer...nervous habit or something. I'd probably end up crashing the computer 100 times a day.LOL... good point, me, too... but! if I had a dislocated shoulder and didn't want to have to move my other hand... I'd set up a foot pedal as a escape...

2005-11-28, 03:16 PM
Could just rig up a gas pedal from a racing wheel?