View Full Version : Wall Intersections

2005-11-23, 06:50 AM
Greeting's Revit people!

I am working my way through my first project in Revit. Awsome! I have been using Archicad for the past few years and really like it but like to try all the software available. Revit is like a breath of fresh air (so far). Very clean and smooth to use. How do you deal with tall walls that intersect with different walls on more than one story? I have a wall on my first floor that intersects with a tall wall at a 45 degree angle and a wall on the second story that needs to cleanly intersect as shown in the attached pic. Also what is the standard way to model footings for a slab on grade? do you use walls or floors or something else? Thanks!

2005-11-23, 07:39 AM
I answered my second question about footings. It seems there are many options, Footing Tool, Hosted Sweeps ect. Thanks anyway.

2005-11-23, 02:52 PM
I would try to drag the interior wall over to the exterior to fill the gap, If you can't get that to work you can split the tall exterior wall horizontally at the plate line then join the walls above the plate line.

2005-11-23, 03:46 PM
You can try the wall join tool, but sometimes it seems to be kind of difficult to get what you want. For that condition I would probably drag the lower wall back temporarily and allow the other two to join, then drag the short one back in.

I usually find it helpful to drag walls out of the join and then drag them back together in the join order that I want. Hopefully that made sense.