View Full Version : Linking sheets??

2005-11-23, 04:13 PM
Is it possible to link sheets from one file to another? I have many (~40) templates that my team is in the process of setting up to adress various building types that we produce. I would like to setup one main revit file with all our stanard autocad details loaded into it and arranged into the proper sheets. Then I would like to link these detail sheets to each project for the purpose of detail referencing. We will not be printing the details or editing the details, all I need to do is tie the detail detail bubble to a detail number and a sheet number. Is this possible?

2005-11-23, 04:57 PM
I think you would be better off bringing in the acad dwg details full scale (not on sheets) into each project & then let Revit handle tying detail #'s and sheets together. That's one of it's great strengths.

2005-11-23, 07:56 PM

There was a thread earlier that relates to someone doing something similar, but I can't locate it at the moment. In essence I would suggest since you're going through the motions do the following:

Create a Revit file that is your 'template' for and will hold your standard details.
Create new Drafting Views for each detail & name appropriately, including Titles, notes etc.
Bring in you AutoCad details & convert to Revit details & linework.
Delete any remaining AutoCad information and purge.
Add your text.
Select all items and convert these details into a Revit Detail Group.
OPTION: You can now save out this Detail Group to a separate file, so you can Load or Insert these into your files for use in other projects. File > Save to Library
IF you keep all your details in one file, just load it with the current project and Copy and Paste the appropriate details.
Once loaded, just tag these details as normal in your Revit project. Andrew is very correct in stating that this level of coordination is a powerful tool within Revit. Currently there is not a good ability to link to other files and keep the information in an orderly fashion.
