View Full Version : Font Kerning

2005-11-27, 02:41 AM
Hi all,

I created a tightly spaced font for dimensioning only, to eliminate the overrun
I get with close, dense dim. chains. When I loaded it into Revit, the program
somehow assigned a real wide spacing between my numerical characters.
The metrics I applied when I created the font where over-ridden, and I'm left with my original dilemma.

Does anyone know if kerning can be controlled?

As always, TIA.

2005-11-27, 03:46 AM
Hi all,

I created a tightly spaced font for dimensioning only, to eliminate the overrun
I get with close, dense dim. chains. When I loaded it into Revit, the program
somehow assigned a real wide spacing between my numerical characters.
The metrics I applied when I created the font where over-ridden, and I'm left with my original dilemma.

Does anyone know if kerning can be controlled?

As always, TIA.
Dont know, but from the there does exist a text width factor in text note properties. Default width = 1.0 (its value can be anywhere from 0.1-10.0 I think?). The font width is scaled proportionately to the Width Factor. Could one assume (always a bad thing...) that kerning can be controlled???


2005-11-27, 05:15 PM
Thanks Blads,

I just did a little side by side, and I believe Revit inserts a space after a leading numeral in a dim chain. In the image below, I have the text 1'-6' written over the same value in a dim. chain. As you can see, even though the text size is identical, and the width factor is 1.0, the dim chain is wider.

Also, in order to keep tight dim chains from running all over each other, I have to keep my text size very small. It reads poorly in those instances, but at times does not read at all when a font size is set to a reasonable level either.


2005-11-27, 10:21 PM
Thanks Blads,

I just did a little side by side, and I believe Revit inserts a space after a leading numeral in a dim chain. In the image below, I have the text 1'-6' written over the same value in a dim. chain. As you can see, even though the text size is identical, and the width factor is 1.0, the dim chain is wider.

Also, in order to keep tight dim chains from running all over each other, I have to keep my text size very small. It reads poorly in those instances, but at times does not read at all when a font size is set to a reasonable level either.

As a side issue - you might have more room if ya changed to metric... :lol:

2005-11-28, 01:51 AM
Right. It would be nice if Revit shrunk the dim notations. Might be on the wishlist. They could also get the text leaders closer; I often have to resort to separate leader located close to leaderless text - I know this is on an old wishlist (yes, black holes are really closer than 26,000 light years :>)

2005-11-28, 03:02 AM
I had to laugh out loud...There's a reason we stateside folk didn't catch on to the metric system thirty years ago :). Too late now I suppose, unless I go north or southwest, very far. Not sure if I could get used to the Corvallis effect though, ya know.

As a side issue - you might have more room if ya changed to metric... :lol: