View Full Version : Define Annotation Template

2005-11-28, 04:45 PM
Has anyone created "Annotation Template". I'm trying to create one and not sure on how to did it correctly. I've import some shape files and need to label them. I understand that the only way to label this items is to create a template. I have never done this. Any help would be gratefully.

Glenn Pope
2005-11-29, 02:09 AM
Basically Annotation Templates are blocks with attributes. Map just gives you added abilities to access object data and simple equations. When you bring up the Annotation Template dialog you can create a new one or edit an existing one. When you start making a new one you are given a new toolbar with 2 buttons. One allows you to create a new attribute or edit a existing one. You can also add graphics using standard AutoCAD commands. Just remember 0,0,0 is your insert point. I normally make my attributes at the print height I want. This way I can change the scale when annotation objects.

If your having a specific problem, just post what it is. Someone should be able to answer it.

2009-01-20, 09:12 PM
is there a way to make a wblock of an annotation template block? I have a standard information fomat that i want to use in multiple projects.
i just tried to make a wblock of the defined annotation template block, insert it into a new drawing to label the next set of polygons. it crashes every time. the help files suggest the template is drawing dependent, I really do not want to redefine and reenter the strings for the block.

I can drop it into my drawing with the design center, but was hoping for a wblock (a central location for these types of tools)

any suggestions?


2009-01-21, 12:50 PM
The design center is your best bet right now, unless you what to create a drawing template that contains the annotation block in it already defined and use that for any new dwgs. If you are on subcription download the wwater/waste water tool kits and look at how that dwt is set up and all the anno blocks are.