View Full Version : Legend problem

2005-11-30, 10:07 PM
I want to place a component on the legend sheet. It works OK in model space. I can see it in the Legend but not his Floor Plan view.
Does anybody has a suggestion how to fix the problem?

2005-12-01, 08:20 AM
I had a similar problem, after playing with the family a bit I figured out why...but it can be many things. It may be related to the view settings visibility and how the legend view is set (detail, medium, fine). If you can't figure it out, maybe you should upload the file (just the object in question) and If I get a chance before somebody else I will try to help...

Take care,

2005-12-01, 02:30 PM
If you can't figure it out, maybe you should upload the file (just the object in question) and If I get a chance before somebody else I will try to help...
I checked all parameters. They are configured as I need. I tried to to turn on the visibility everywhere, but don't have a desired result.
I attach the family file. Sorry for Cyrillic characters.
May be somebody can give some suggestion.

2005-12-01, 03:04 PM
I've made an investigation right now.
1. Start new Project1 with template. Load the problematic family. It's impossible to place Floor Plan view of the component on Legent view
2. Start new Project2 without template. Load the problematic family. Now you can place Floor Plan view of the component.
It's possible to copy the component from Project2 to Project1 over clipboard, but can't go back to Floor Plan view if change the component's view to Front, for instants. Even I can't change scale of the Legend view.
The template gives a strange effect. I still can't find the way how to fix the problem.

2005-12-01, 04:57 PM
Go to your Rfa > Settings>Fam.Cat&Par. > Uncheck "Workplane Based".

I made a generic Work Plane based component and it didn't show in the legend.either.

No Work Plane Based components allowed in Legends ? !

2005-12-01, 05:56 PM
Yup,....it's all strange!!!

I even couldn't place a front view, unless I placed a different fron view legend (i.e. a door) and then change it for the component.....

I haven't tried the work plane based, but Legends are nothing but headaches...

Will factory think about allowing phases? a demo legend is just as important...

I hope you figure out your family soon....


2005-12-01, 11:14 PM
Go to your Rfa > Settings>Fam.Cat&Par. > Uncheck "Workplane Based".

I made a generic Work Plane based component and it didn't show in the legend.either.

No Work Plane Based components allowed in Legends ? !You find the reason of the problem! Thanks, Eddy. But I need to use Work Based element. It's interesting, is it a logical explanation of the effect with that parameter?
It seems I have to use extraordinary ways to present the detail. :confused:

2007-07-27, 01:58 PM
I want to place a component on the legend sheet. It works OK in model space. I can see it in the Legend but not his Floor Plan view.
Does anybody has a suggestion how to fix the problem?

Same problem with walls in legend view. It is possible to place only section of wall, but not a elevation, ant that situation isn't changing since 2005...

2007-09-24, 02:40 PM
Following up on this thread, as it was the most recent thread that seemd to apply to my current problem. Had anyone had any success in placing workplane based or face based families into legends? Does anyone have a workaround or suggustion on how to get representations of such families in a similiar view to a legend? I've got a bunch of faced based families that need to their typical locations to be defined in a legend or some similiar view, and I really don't want to have to "redraw" in a drafting view.

Thanks for the help,

2007-09-24, 05:19 PM
Hey Rob,

If it's a workset project, you could create a wall somewhere and place it on a workset that is not visible by default in all views and host your objects on it. Then create an elevation of that wall and place this "legend' on your sheet.

2007-09-24, 05:28 PM
Hey Rob,

If it's a workset project, you could create a wall somewhere and place it on a workset that is not visible by default in all views and host your objects on it. Then create an elevation of that wall and place this "legend' on your sheet.

Yeah, I don't really want to do that. It means I've got something floating in space somewhere and it throws off all of my quantification & scheduling, as now I have a bunch of extra objects. I may end up creating an elevation view in one of my labs, and setting the coarser then scale obsecenely high, and just throwing the elevation onto my fixture sheet. Not the best, but ah well...


2007-09-24, 08:51 PM
You could solve the scheduling issue by creating a newer phase for these "legend" items....your current schedules won't pick them up. Aaron Rumple's example is posted somewhere on these forums and was cleverly put together.

2007-09-24, 09:10 PM
You could solve the scheduling issue by creating a newer phase for these "legend" items....your current schedules won't pick them up. Aaron Rumple's example is posted somewhere on these forums and was cleverly put together.

Ugh... yeah, I get it, not fond of it. Admitedly I only have two phases in this project currently. Well good suggustion at least... I don't need to decide right at this moment.
