View Full Version : certified revit instructor?

2005-12-06, 05:58 PM
I remember at AU James Van mentioning that he had recently become a certified revit instructor. This sounded like an interesting idea to me--anybody know how to go about doing that? or what is involved?

2005-12-06, 07:28 PM
Took the words right out of my mouth! Can't wait to hear from James V.

2005-12-06, 07:36 PM
I think this is the thread you are talking about. I will take it after I get a moment to even get home and go through my mail. Looks well worth the 75$


Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: New York, NY
Posts: 469
RE: Revit Certification

Yes. Just took the test myself. Go to autodesk.certification.net http://autodesk.certification.net/
and look for Autodesk Revit 8.
October 6th, 2005, 03:12 PM

2005-12-06, 08:38 PM
Thanks Cosmic! Nice picture by the way--is that David Bowie in Labrinth??? That's what it reminds me of anyway...

2005-12-07, 03:46 AM
Yes that's Jareth the Goblin King. BTW: I have always found good humor and imported beer to be a more than an adequate substitute for competence.

2005-12-07, 07:37 AM
Haven't seen the name Roark in quite a while...very cool!

I remember at AU James Van mentioning that he had recently become a certified revit instructor. This sounded like an interesting idea to me--anybody know how to go about doing that? or what is involved?

2005-12-07, 10:06 PM
Haven't seen the name Roark in quite a while...very cool!

Yes, I finally got around to reading it earlier this year and found it to be quite the book, thought the quote was oh-so appropriate to things I encounter from time to time ('nuf said). :)

2005-12-08, 03:42 PM
must not voice literary criticism... must reach utility belt... must resist urge to cast aspersions on Ayn Rand, both writings and personal life... AHHHHHHH!!!!
There I feel better. Many people keep their skeletons in their closets, mine are on my bookshelf for the world to see. Many people regret romantic encounters or nights of excessive drinking, me, I mainly regret books I read (well that and the other two also ;) ) In all fairness I did enjoy the book when I read it, but I was 16 at the time and ran with a bad crowd of black wearing, cigarette smoking, nihilistic youth (albeit well read). A lot of my friends had read it and I succumbed to peer pressure, hey, all the cool kids were doing it. So when people talk about Rand my whole embarrassing teenage years echo back with shiny black boots, militant stances, brilliant chess games, drinking straight whiskey in the school cafeteria and true love that lasted a week or so, back when Kafka was the rage.

Yes, I finally got around to reading it earlier this year and found it to be quite the book, thought the quote was oh-so appropriate to things I encounter from time to time ('nuf said). :)

Wes Macaulay
2005-12-08, 06:51 PM
I snorted my coffee reading your post, Cosmo :lol:

Drop-dead funny, that one

2005-12-08, 07:38 PM
Well, I finally picked the book up simply because everyone would say "oh, you're an architect? have you read the fountainhead?" It got irritating, so I read it and all I have to say to all those ignorant people is the fountainhead is not about architecture.
Wow, this thread has gone off on quite the tangent...

2005-12-08, 08:22 PM
Fountainhead eh? I keep it on my shelf to remind me of all I hate about this profession....i.e. the Me, Me, Me School of Architecture.

2005-12-08, 08:42 PM
I thought the same thing when I read it...All the different architect characters were people I hated in school, perhaps I am one of them to someone else, though...who knows.

2005-12-09, 05:02 PM
So, any other Objectivist Revit instuctors out there, then?