View Full Version : floors in legend or schedule

2005-12-06, 07:51 PM
hello all,

We have a floor plan with several different Floor materials (made of floors) and we are trying to create a legend showing all the different floors, the only thing we come up with shows the floors in section only. a view button is show but the only option is section.

we are very new to Revit and any help at all would be greatly appreciated


steve oyer

2005-12-06, 08:42 PM
Yes, with floors, the legend view only lets you use a section. You could try using a legend with filled regions to show the different floor types (just create some filled regions that match the floor hatch patterns you have selected). That's about the best idea I can think of quickly...perhaps someone else out there has a more genius idea???

2005-12-06, 08:47 PM
thank you for your post
I can at least stop trying to figure it out.


2005-12-07, 08:19 AM
No the filled regions idea is the only thing you can really do. This one has been on my wish list for ages to get the surface patterns on to the schedules.

2005-12-08, 02:19 PM
Legend componants are a bit immature and need more development. some of their controls don't work, and not all desired views are available. Lineweight overrides don't work with them either.

2005-12-08, 02:28 PM
No the filled regions idea is the only thing you can really do. This one has been on my wish list for ages to get the surface patterns on to the schedules.
Another way is to do a callout from a plan for each floor type with the surface pattern showing, then place the callouts on a sheet and tag them or put text next to them. This way it is at least a 'live' view of the floors and will change if you change the floor properties unlike a filled region.

(You can hide the callout annotations on the plan by selecting and right clicking then choosing the hide annotation in view option)

2005-12-09, 12:09 AM
thats a great idea....thanks
