View Full Version : Worksets: Icon tip

2003-05-23, 03:59 PM
If you select an object (with "editable only" un-checked) that is on a workset that is not editable you get a nice little puzzle piece icon with a leader to the object. If you hover the pointer you eventually get a tip "box" telling you about selection possibilties.

hovering over that icon brought forth a tip box that told you what workset was not editable...

a right click over that icon and a "make workset editable" option was available.

Naturally if you have several objects selected you'd undermine the concept so you'd need to select one object to use it.

Phil Palmer
2003-05-23, 04:02 PM
I like that - Good idea !

I could also do with a way to STOP people from not following the workset strategy for a model.
e.g. - putting walls on the Roof worksets

Maybe a rather large hammer will do !

2003-05-23, 05:27 PM
Ow..ow...ow...ow...that's me not following my own WS strategy. I keep finding myself putting stuff in the wrong workset. I'll have to play some tapes when I go to bed.