View Full Version : Composer vs. Viewer Functionality

Dimitri Harvalias
2005-12-07, 09:36 PM
I just discovered that the viewer has the ability to provide 'real time' sections in a dwf file. This is not available in Composer.
My question to ADESK is, shouldn't the viewer be a sub-set of the features and functionality of Composer? I want to be able to do everything to/with a DWF file in a composer session that I should be able to do in the viewer, in additon to the mark up tools. If I need to open up the viewer to get that that feature then why did I pay for a license?
At AU I heard of great plans for DWF to become the next big step for collaboration and information sharing in the Autodesk world. If that's the plan then there is a lot of work to do to make the application more robust and the tools more useful for it to become a place to work. Speed improvements and greater flexibility in mark ups are just the start.

2005-12-11, 02:05 AM

What you should do it post your thought to the Wishlist forum for the DWF Copmoser and DWf Viewer.

Thank you,


2005-12-14, 02:51 AM
Yeah that's pretty lame, hopefully they will provide an updated composer with the section tools