View Full Version : Room Tags not working?

2005-12-08, 07:46 PM
I am having the trouble getting my room tags in my project to work properly. I have a 3 story office building, with 6 different areas labeled as "tenant space" (two on each floor). However, only the tenant spaces on the 1st floor are being read properly on the room schedule. The spaces for the 2nd and 3rd floor read "Not Enclosed" on the room schedule. To make matters even stranger, on my colored area plans, the spaces read fine, with square footage and colors working perfectly. So my question is... if the areas for my tenant spaces are not enclosed, where are the areas I should check? I know there are some walls that are not joining correctly, but there must be 1,000 places in this building where the error could be occurring and I honestly don't have a clue where to start looking. There are curtain walls, storefronts, and walls with edited profiles all around the spaces, so I'm pretty sure that is where the error is occurring, but I don't know how to fix those without messing up the exterior elevations and sections. I hope I'm not being to vague, but I don't know where to begin. I'm just hoping there is a common place where these errors occur so I can start my search there. Can anybody help me? Thanks ahead of time!

Alex Page
2005-12-08, 08:22 PM
Note that :
"Columns, Roofs and in-place Families are not Room Bounding. To modify Room boundaries to account for these elements, set the View Cut Plane Offset to the height specified in Area Calculation Settings and create Room Separation Lines to achieve the desired boundaries." (this includes in-place created walls)

any of those exist?

2005-12-08, 09:31 PM
It's all regular old walls and curtain walls. There aren't any special families or columns getting in the way. I think the problem is that there is a little rogue wall somewhere that may not be joining with another wall. Wouldn't that explain why all the spaces that are stacked on top of each other are the same ones affected?

Alex Page
2005-12-09, 01:24 AM
you dont have a wall running on past anouther do you? try spliiting it if you do, refer my last post (page 3 of)....http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=21944

2005-12-09, 04:34 AM
one way to find the problem is to draw a square or whatever shape room seperation line around the room. Then start to cut off pieces of the room till the room seperation lines are no longer needed - its slow but it can help you find the walls that are not connecting correctly.

Seems rare, but sometimes walls will appear to be joined but somehow the connection is not room bounding. I think i have only seen this happen with curtain wall joined to regular walls