View Full Version : edit wall joins

2005-12-09, 12:00 PM
See figure: an outer wall [the horizontal] and an inner wall.
Outer wall: the grey layer is in the core. Inner wall: three layers in the core.
Both have an air space.
How to join the two air spaces? Thre air layer of the inner wall stops at the inner surface of the outer wall......

Wes Macaulay
2005-12-09, 12:18 PM
Better option: Define a wall style sim to the outer wall that is everything outboard of the air space; use that to bridge the gap. Split the outer wall into two segments to permit the join you're after, then use the new wall style to cover the gap.

Worse option (IMHO): If the air space is right against the structure you could try changing the layer's function to Structure, since the Structure function has first priority in joins and you might be able to get your air spaces to join together.

Edit: just tried the Worse Idea, and it works. But the air spaces have to be set as structure, and all layers between the air spaces between the outer and inner walls must have their function set to Substrate to permit the air spaces to penetrate thru the other layers. In this example all the "substrates" were still inside the core.

2005-12-09, 12:18 PM
The two wall cores will join up. You will have to do an 'Edit Cut Profile' or draw a filled region to join the cavities up.

Or if it would work for your project, you could make just the cavity the core in both walls and then the cavity would be continuous.

2005-12-09, 12:20 PM
Define a wall style sim to the outer wall that is everything outboard of the air space; use that to bridge the gap. Split the outer wall into two segments to permit the join you're after, then use the new wall style to cover the gap. That's a lot of work to make a wall join look OK... do you actually go to such lengths Wes?

Wes Macaulay
2005-12-09, 12:34 PM
That's a lot of work to make a wall join look OK... do you actually go to such lengths Wes?Only in moments of duress!

2005-12-09, 01:15 PM
I found a [the?] solution:
- Just split the outer wall twice.
- Delete the wall between....

Wes Macaulay
2005-12-09, 04:36 PM
Cool one Marc -- I'll have to look at how that works!

2005-12-09, 06:27 PM
I found a [the?] solution:
- Just split the outer wall twice.
- Delete the wall between....
Can't get that to work, must be dependant on core boundary or wall layer function setting.
How do you have these set?

2005-12-10, 09:44 AM
Outer wall: the grey layer is in the core.
Inner wall: all layers in the core.

2005-12-12, 07:23 AM
I like that resolution. I think that would probably work generally for these wall types, going to have to have a play with that.

What i usually do if i can't be bothered messing around with it is dump a filled region over it to mask it rather than mess around with it. (*hangs head in shame*)