View Full Version : Detail vs Section view

B. Strube
2004-03-19, 02:29 PM
I'm puzzled by something related to creating callouts in wall sections. I understand that I can create either a detail view callout or a section view callout when using the callout tool in a section view. Aside from the benefit of the detail view being capable of being viewed in other views, making this choice also has the effect of organizing the views into different categories in the browser. The question is, that after I create one or the other type of view, I can change the view to the other type of view through the view properties (system family-detail view or system family-section), but this does not move the view to the other type in the browser. What am I missing?

2004-03-19, 03:21 PM
I may be wrong on this, but I think any callout view stays with the parent view where it was created, i.e if you do a callout of a plan view, it's in the floorplan section of the browser. Same holds true for elevations, ceiling plans, sections, etc.

I'm really not sure what changes when you go to the properties dialog of a section callout & toggle between section view & detail view.

B. Strube
2004-03-22, 03:21 PM
When I make a callout, I can either create a detail view, or a callout based on the view type. Depending on which is created the view either stays with the view type in the browser, or moves to the detail view category in the browser. The question: why can I not change the type of the callout after it is created (where it is located under the browser) ....even though under properties for the view I am able to?

2004-03-22, 09:51 PM
I just ran a quick test, swapping a detail view section with a wall section and a building section type and the views also swapped locations in the browser .