View Full Version : Instance Parameter In Title Block Tutorial

2005-12-10, 05:28 PM
Leonid Raiz one of our mighty Revit founders helped me out with this one... So, I'm very happy to share with you the tutorial I wrote for this. It seems to be a common problem. Enjoy.

For reference Leonid directed me to this thread: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=26118&page=3&pp=10

2005-12-10, 05:56 PM
Good job.

There is another tutorial thread (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=23421) on a similar subject. In both cases user wants to see a custom parameter shown by title blocks. The only difference is that in one case user wants the parameter to vary from one sheet to another while in the other case parameter value is the same across sheets. In order to achieve desired results user would assign new parameter either to Project Information (same for all sheets) or to Drawing Sheets (varies by sheet).

It may be a good idea to have one tutorial that illustrates both cases.

2005-12-11, 04:20 AM
It may be a good idea to have one tutorial that illustrates both cases.
You're right. I've revised my tutorial to show the procedures both project wide title block parameters and instance title block parameters.

2005-12-11, 06:18 AM
Nice Job Jake... thanks for combining them

2006-01-30, 04:05 PM
Factory this is not good enough!
Both methods illustrated here by users are indeed the best solutions, however they leave wide open the opportunity for user error in the most simplest way. Revit is so good at managing and coordination the drawings that it is silly to think that the table of contents can not handle this task without user added parameters creating another layer of confusion that most every other place Revit has striped out.

I have a set 88 of sheet and I need to add a sheet between 4 & 5 so I either have to go back and renumber the drawings 5-88 or add a decimal to the number.

The drawing index needs the ability to assign priority to the sheets G (general) can sort to the top and S (structural) can come before A (architectural).
I think if I had this ability then the index would be so much cleaner and simpler to operate.

2006-01-30, 04:15 PM
You can add a priority number to have the index sort so that G is in front of A. That's the way we do ours. I have a Discipline and Discipline Index. (I don't display them on the sheet, so I don't need a shared parameter, just a project parameter...) See the attached screen shot.

It would be nice if this were built into the project template to avoid confusion, but is quite easy to do.

The renumber issue is one that needs to be addressed. My thought is that the project browser or schedule (or both) should have a "Sort By Order" filter. When in that mode you would be able to just drag a sheet up or down in the list and it would renumber the sheet. Same goes for door schedules, room schedules and the rest.

A "dumb" way to handle the drawing index is to have a schedule for each discipline. They can all then be placed on the titlesheet any way you like.

2006-01-30, 04:35 PM
I Agree, and I never said that I could not make it display things the way I want. It is just a clunky process prone to error which leads to silly mistakes which are distracting and unproductive. I actually have a very similar process to yours Aaron. I have a Discipline Name field, a Discipline # field and a Sheet Order # all that do not get displayed on the sheet. The fact that I can make Revit do what I want is not what I question. I just want it to do it better.

2006-01-30, 04:41 PM
You can add a priority number to have the index sort so that G is in front of A. That's the way we do ours.

We just make separate drawing list views and filter by discipline. Put them in any order on the sheet. We also have a drawing list that filters by discipline = none. It is placed on the sheet as well. This is a catch basin for drawings that should have a discipline but someone forgot. It will still plot on the sheet, just out of order. We hopefully catch it during QC and add the correct discipline then replot the sheet with the drawing list.

2006-01-30, 11:29 PM
I may be out of order here, but I fail to see why architects are listing other disciplines. Just because "architects have always done it" does not make sense to me. I don't want to keep on updating their drawing lists. Sheesh, the engineers are professionals as well - get them to make their own title sheets and then you can simply reference to theirs. We are only co-ordinating their work and how it relates to the built structure, not doing it for them! My 2c.

2006-01-31, 12:05 AM
some states require an index of all drawings with an impression seal on that index sheet for the professional of record.

2006-01-31, 02:35 AM
some states require an index of all drawings with an impression seal on that index sheet for the professional of record.Fair enough - but why don't the engineers do their own index, email you a jpeg to your requirements for inclusion on your sheet? Why waste your time doing their index?

2006-01-31, 03:03 PM
Why do we still use keyboards that were designed to slow the typeset down because the typewriter could not keep up with the typeset? In my outline for Revit adoption I stress two points. One, Revit is a tool and it should not dictate how we make our drawings look. Two, Revit dose not approach architectural issues of design and production the same as past projects and a open mind must be maintain as this is the time to look at why we did things we did and dose Revit do it better. So, should the architect maintain a comprehensive cover sheet that ties the whole set tougher? Or do we treat the set as individual ententes that happen to be bound as one. Personally I see Revit being developed as the new standard and am waiting for my structural and MEP to be on the same platform. I suspect if this was the case I would not have to create blank dummy sheets and the data base would be one and cover would reflect this.
As is I have to nearly make my index nonparametric which I find painful.

2006-10-06, 11:25 PM
Great & helpful pdf...thanks.

Now for another titleblock question:

I've set up my project wide parameters under the Project Information settings and I'm wondering if I can set up more "edit" dropdowns (like the one for Project Address) for other multi-line text?

2006-11-08, 07:54 PM
I don't think we can do that. Its one for the Wishlist.

2014-11-04, 07:53 PM
a simple way is just create and insert a generic tag family with instance parameter in the sheet, and on the sheet link each text to a diferent text parameter.

watch the video below to understand better:


hope it helps