View Full Version : Combine large number of 3D faces into a 3D Polygon Mesh

2005-12-12, 12:21 PM
I am using regular AutoCAD 2006, so I would assume this is the best place for the question.

I have a large number of 3d faces that I would like to combine into one entity, a polygon mesh. The reason I want to combine them is I would like to apply an aerial photograph to the area for a rendered 3d model.

2005-12-12, 12:27 PM

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the AutoCAD General (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=120) forum to this one as I feel this particular Forum is a more appropriate place for such a topic.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2005-12-12, 07:31 PM
It sounds like you want the 3dmesh command. You can create the new mesh vertices by snapping to the ENDpoints of the existing 3dfaces.

2005-12-13, 12:10 PM
yes, that sounds like what I need, but I have over 200 3d faces that I need to combine, AutoCAD doesn't have a command that combines 3d faces into a 3d mesh? Does Map 3d 2006 have that capability? I can try to see if I can use that program. Or should I attempt to write a lisp routine to accomplish what I am looking for?

2005-12-13, 12:56 PM

See if the following helps ( Please note, I have not tried it ie Tested the method documented to see if it will work for your particular case )...

3DFACE to 3DMESH (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=11217)

Have a good one, Mike

2005-12-13, 05:41 PM
Thanks Mike, that tip worked great,

The only problem I have now is taking my aerial and applying it to the 3d mesh to some sort of a scale.

My aerial resolution is 6 inch pixels and is 3000 feet by 3000 feet, any tips on how to create a material to scale to apply to the mesh for rendering purposes?