View Full Version : issues with revit

2004-03-19, 08:19 PM
I am a new user. I am trying to do things which I assume are straight forward but I can't find my way out... Here are a few examples:
1- Column hatch - why cant I get structural columns to hatch like I do with walls and slabs?
2- Columns disappearing in medium and fine detail view: when in hide view, the columns diappear. in coarse view or wireframe view they appear again. I need the medium detail with hidden view to show the plan with lower floors.
Stair details: Is there a way to show more details to a stair, like riser thickness, and R.C. slab for a concrete stair? Is there a way to specify stair layers like in walls and floor? Currently I can only show the stringer for the elevatin, but it doesn't show the landing thikness, and also it does not hatch.
I assume there are easy solutions to these matters. I hope someone out there helps me out.

2004-03-19, 11:32 PM
1.Column Hatch:
Refer this topic… THIS TOPIC

2. Disappearing Columns:
Check the visibility settings for the column family you are using. It should be set to display in coarse, medium and fine views. Some structural column families may have been built to display only as “sticks” and only in coarse view.

3.Stair details:

Monolithic stairs will do what you want.

I suggest you run through the tutorial on stairs first.

Hatching when cut, is controlled by the material used and by the patterns applied to that material.

You will pick all this up quickly, Revit is not a difficult program to learn, just jump in and start.