View Full Version : Hatch Pattern Line Thickness

2004-03-20, 12:42 AM
I'm cutting a footing (as usual), bu I really need my conc. hatch
to stand out on this one...
Is there a way to change the line thickness for fill pat.'s???

As always, tia


2004-03-20, 01:00 AM
I'm not sure I understand. Is the fill pat defined as the footing material when cut or have you added a fill region ?

If the former, you can use the linework tool on the footing edge lines to bump them up. Alternatively, you could use object settings for the lineweights of the element.

If the latter, you can change any of the bounding lines of the fill region.

Maybe an image would help.

2004-03-20, 01:28 AM
The fill .pat is defined as the material for cuts.

When I cut a section, and print it, the concrete .pat I have assigned to
my concrete footing "walls" usually comes out light looking. I need for the fill itself to appear bolder, not the border.

Good ol' beegee, still teaching me revit :)

thanks matey

2004-03-20, 02:27 AM
You can change the line weight for the fill pattern.

You need to experiment a bit to get the look you want.
Maybe importing another concrete fill pattern is the way to go ?

Another possibility is to overlay another fill pattern on top of the concrete, say sand-dense for instance.


2004-03-20, 02:50 AM
mmmmm ......


Now, here comes the dumbest question so far....

Um, where's the button locatated at that you pushed to bring up the linewight dialogs for pat fills ??? :oops: ???

So sorry, I'm having one of those lifetimes :shock:

thanks beeg

2004-03-20, 03:18 AM
Select fill pattern > Properties > Edit .

We all have lifetimes like that sometimes... :D

2004-04-01, 12:25 AM
I have an additional question for this. Is there a way to change the weight of the hatch that comes in when you cut an object (not in a filled region)? I can change the filled regions just fine, but I would like my cut elements to be darker. This also aplies to surface patterns...

2004-04-01, 12:54 AM
But that's for a filled region, not material, right?

2004-04-01, 01:05 AM
beegee's method changes the weight of the hatch for filled regions, which I can do. I want to be able to change the weight of surface and cut patterns for materials. i.e. I want to be able to draw a wall, look at it in elevation and see maybe a brick pattern at lineweight 2 and cut it and see a crosshatch with lineweight 4, by drawing nothing but the wall.

Can I do this?

2004-04-01, 01:46 AM
Not at the moment. It's planned for the future though.

2004-04-01, 04:12 AM
It would also be nice to be able to specify more than one pattern overlaid for a single material. Like, say, the sand-dense and concrete patterns illustrated by Beegee or maybe a crosshatch-diagonal and concrete pattern (which is nice for cmu). Yes, we could create custom PATs, but it seems like such a waste if they already exist individually.

2004-04-01, 11:15 PM
THat was my question :)
thanks sfaust/FK