View Full Version : Circular Reference Error Message

2005-12-14, 12:59 AM
I lost my screen shot of this particular error message, but it's odd, I've never seen it before, but I was editing a fairly simple gable roof shape and I got this message, something to the effect of "circular reference, cannot make roof shape." In autocad, this would refer to nested objects I think, but what is Revit trying to tell me? It's like a fortune cookie or something. :)

2005-12-14, 02:14 AM
I haven't seen this either, but my first guess is an over-constraint problem? Either that or a formula problem... like in excel you get an error like that by trying to calculate a formula on a cell that refers back to the cell you're writing the formula in... clear as mud?

2005-12-14, 06:52 AM
I also have this problem from time to time but with floors.
I find it a bit difficult to reproduce it but the thing go more or less as follows.

I create a floor using the pick wall tool.
Later in the process I try to align one of these walls to an edge of the floor.
That's when I get the message.

As a workaround, I delete the line corresponding to that wall while in floor sketch mode.

Never got this error before.
Hope this helps.

Mr Spot
2005-12-14, 07:10 AM
A circular chain of references basically means that a solution cannot be found to the problem because the change causes another element to change and this inturn means that the original element needs to change again (thus you've achieved a circle).

To avoid this i don't use pick wall for floors. I find that this added constraint just annoys me in most cases and the slab edge will still move with the wall without using the pick wall tool.


2005-12-14, 05:19 PM
Hmm. This is a roof that was created using the sketch lines tool way back in like version 5 (this project started like June of 2003 in v5.1 and has gone through upgrade after upgrade until currently we are using 8.0). So all I did was change a couple of lines. But I think you are on to something there, Chris, perhaps I have made this simple gable roof shape just complex enough that revit doesn't know what to do with it. I think someone should make an encyclopedia of Revit error messages for those of us who are not great with cryptic language. :)

Mr Spot
2005-12-14, 09:55 PM
Hmm. This is a roof that was created using the sketch lines tool way back in like version 5 (this project started like June of 2003 in v5.1 and has gone through upgrade after upgrade until currently we are using 8.0). So all I did was change a couple of lines. But I think you are on to something there, Chris, perhaps I have made this simple gable roof shape just complex enough that revit doesn't know what to do with it. I think someone should make an encyclopedia of Revit error messages for those of us who are not great with cryptic language. :)
What roof is that exactly? Is there supposed to be an attached file? :)

2005-12-14, 10:50 PM
What roof is that exactly? Is there supposed to be an attached file? :)

Sorry, no, didn't attach it, was just describing what it was.

Mr Spot
2005-12-15, 04:37 AM
Cool just checking... :)

2005-12-21, 07:44 PM
For what it's worth I've also gotten the circular chain of reference error message when editing elements such as windows or groups within stacked walls. As a work around try selecting the element that's giving you the problem (your roof), cut it out of your model and paste aligned same place. This usually breaks the chain and solves the problem.

2005-12-21, 07:53 PM
For what it's worth I've also gotten the circular chain of reference error message when editing elements such as windows or groups within stacked walls. As a work around try selecting the element that's giving you the problem (your roof), cut it out of your model and paste aligned same place. This usually breaks the chain and solves the problem.

A very interesting trick--I'm going to have to try that when I get a chance...

2005-12-21, 07:56 PM
Good luck. If it doesn't work it's a great excuse to start the Holiday weekend early.

2006-02-23, 04:42 AM
I just had a circular reference problem that was driving me crazy and I used the cut and paste same place trick. It worked! This forum is fantastic. What an asset for Revit users everywhere.


2006-02-23, 01:38 PM
Glad it worked (It feels good to actually help someone out since I'm usually asking for help).