View Full Version : Floors in sketch mode

2005-12-14, 02:16 AM
Hey there,
came across this annoying problem and seeking some answers :)
I drew all my floors using the line tool (pick) I don't like drawing using walls i find it's creating problems later...
the problem is that when i go to edit my floor, while in sketch mode I can't delete any lines to put new ones instead, Revit comes up with and error creating the floor, though I haven't click the "finish sketch" button! I have to draw the new lines, trim to the rest and than delete the old ones picking them at once...
anyone came across this? it seems to be new to 8.1


Mr Spot
2005-12-14, 07:19 AM
Sounds a bit bizarre mate. You always find the tricky ones... ;)

Is there anything strange about the elements your are picking? Are they vertical? Are you working in the appropriate active workset? Have you tried just deleting the floor altogether and resketching it from scratch? Have you done an audit of the model (perhaps the floor is corrupt)???


2005-12-14, 07:44 AM
Sounds bizarre indeed but I came across this one also and solved it the same way you did.

2005-12-14, 07:46 AM
That really does sound bizarre. I'd be putting the file in for tech support, maybe you found a new bug,

2005-12-14, 07:48 AM
I was going crazy for a while there... nothing has changed in the way I draw the floor, it's like Revit is finishing the sketch while sketching... I will submit it to tech and see what they say.

2005-12-14, 01:39 PM
I haven't experienced what you say, but I'd like to know what issues you have with pick walls. I strongly encourage our trainees to use pick walls whenever possible as its the way I know to link all the pieces together.

2005-12-14, 02:27 PM
I have experienced similar problems in this version as well as previous versions.

2005-12-14, 03:21 PM
Hey there,
I don't use 8.1; however, this was brought up at our last Revit User Group meeting. The solution was similar to yours. Sounds like something the Factory needs to address.


Mr Spot
2005-12-14, 10:15 PM
I haven't experienced what you say, but I'd like to know what issues you have with pick walls. I strongly encourage our trainees to use pick walls whenever possible as its the way I know to link all the pieces together.
If for instance the pick wall tool has been used for defining the sketch and an offset was given for the lines from the wall. Then the wall type is changed, i find that many people will try to use the line tool on the line to move it back to where it should be, which of course won't work. The other issue occurs when some of those walls are deleted or change angles causing the floor sketch to become invalid.

For this purpose i just use the normal pick tool on the wall. Because of the nature of lines they'll still move when the wall is dragged/moved but you then have the ability to delete walls and rotate them without having to delete your floor.

Mostly its probably just a preference thing, and in most cases we'll use families for floors (if for instance its a high rise). Its nice sometimes to put some control back to the user as revit doesn't always know best when your making changes...