View Full Version : ADT 2004 and revit and wall styles

2004-03-21, 11:51 AM
Is there much difference in the practicality of each product.....We use ADT 2004 but its (i think( a backward product comapred to R14 and AEC5. add in....Revit we have never used but as ADT is awkward we may upgrade to something else please email..........PS does anyone know how to create a profiled cladded wall style that works?????

2004-03-21, 05:28 PM
dw1970 -

This topic comes up about about as often as I get up to refill my coffee cup. (That's way, way too often in case you're wondering). In short, you will not likely encounter anyone at this forum who has used Revit that will tell you ADT is a better solution. Many of us have used ADT (both in the past and present) and have switched to Revit. I am one of the many. There are a few features offered by AutoCAD/ADT that are not currently available in Revit, and if you use the search feature on this forum you will have a chance to read through most of them. At the end of the day though, you will need to be your own judge. Revit is available as a fully functional, 60 day, downloadable demo. I suggest you load the latest release on your computer(s), work through the tutorials, and visit this forum often in order to keep on eye on the issues that others are bringing up as well as asking your own specific questions. The group of Revit users frequenting this forum are great in responding to specific questions with specific answers.

In response to your specifc question - is it possible for you to upload a sketch (scanned or exported) of what you're after. I've seen very, very little that's been brought to this forum that doesn't have a ridiculously straight forward solution.

2004-03-23, 01:11 AM
But what about all those spiffy screen shots in the AutoCAD promos? Oh, yeh. It's in the fine print about the donating of a spleen to achieve those images.

2004-03-23, 02:44 AM
dw1970 - Many of us have used ADT (both in the past and present) and have switched to Revit. I am one of the many.

I too am one of the many! I can't convert my office to Revit fast enough. Revit, IMHO, Is far superior to ADT. This site is making the conversion much easier. :)