View Full Version : Unloading title blocks?

2005-12-15, 02:06 PM
Recently I started a project for someone at another firm, I modelled the existing buildings so that he coud take it and do the renovation work. Of course I used my office's template file, but now that he has it, he wants to use his own title blocks, annotations, line weights, etc.

Now I know that he could transfer project standards and bring in his annotations and line weights, but what about title blocks? They don't appear in the list of loaded families, and it also doesn't appear in transfer project standards. Is there an easy way for him to load his sheets and get rid of our sheets?

BTW he was trying to copy and paste the model objects into his file, but it seems like doing a transfer project standards would be an easier/better way.

2005-12-15, 02:46 PM
Titleblocks are external user created families. Just load the titleblock family.

2005-12-15, 07:21 PM
So when you load a title block, so that it is available in the drop-down box at the top left when you click on a title block to change it, it's permanently loaded in the project? There's no way to get rid of it?

*edit* nevermind, I guess you can use purge to remove unused title blocks.