View Full Version : Revit 8.1 gets new build, why not Revit Structure

2005-12-21, 05:49 PM
I keep seeing new builds posted for Revit Building 8.1. When will Revit Structure get a new build as well. I thought the foundation for the two programs were the same. I checked the list of fixes and modifications for Revit Building, and it looks like Revit structures could benifit from many of those fixes and modifications. Many of the fixes had to do with performance and memory managment.

Tom Weir
2005-12-22, 04:50 PM
That is a good question...I was wondering about that myself.

Tom Weir
Los Angeles

2006-01-02, 11:02 PM
Does the factory want to chime in on why Revit building gets an update but not Revit Structure?

2006-02-04, 03:23 AM
I see that Revit building just received another new build. Does this me we should expect to see something before RS3. The build that shipped with our RS2 CD is 20050804_0100. I just stumbled across one on the autodesk RS Download site today that was 20051214_2200. This was the first that I have seen of a new build. It also was not clear what was fixed or changed in this build from the previous one. There was one pdf with what had changed but it was not dated and looked like the change list from RS1 to RS2.

Maybe I missed the email, but I did not receive any notification of this new build. As a subscription customer I would think a notification along with what changed would be appropriate.

Also curious to know how these should get installed when issued. Should I always be reinstalling the libraries over top of the previous installation. Will we be told what families are getting tweaked/revised.

I noticed that no body had responded to this thread from mid December so hopefully this can get started again to help answer some questions. Or... am I the only one in the dark here.


2006-02-04, 04:03 AM
It appears that RS isn't getting the same press that RB is. The release that is currently available on the web was the most recently RB build so they are posting a new build for RS, but when and how soon after RB isn't clear. I didn't notice myself. Clearly they should do a better job of letting their customers know when these updates are made.