View Full Version : Color Fill and Continous Footings

2005-12-21, 09:36 PM
When we enable the color fill to verify our room boundaries, the fill stops at the footing line. It is not causing any major issues other than it looks funny and limits our ability to do other things with the color fill. We understand why the floor visibility is not in the color fill view. What hopefully simple, basic thing are we missing that the fill is stopping at the continuous footing? Our room boundary lines are correct at the walls. If you need the file, I can post but it's pretty large and I'd have to spend some time shrinking it.

Thank you,

Tom Dorner
2005-12-21, 10:46 PM
Have you tried creating another view color filled without the continuous footings?

Not all views in Revit need to be for plotting and we typically have about 50% of ours that are "working" views for just error checking and the like.
