View Full Version : Rendering fancy details?

2005-12-22, 01:10 AM
I have just presented a rendered perspective of a historic-looking wall with 2"x2" reveals running horizontally to represent reveals in Terra Cotta. Now the client wants to see the reveals forming angled patterns around the windows (simulating historic arches and keystones). The Wall Reveals tool only allows for purely horizontal patterns to be cut into walls.

How can I form ornament on my walls?

Thanks for any tips.

2005-12-22, 01:39 AM
You can create a model hatch pattern to any size and angle, apply it to your walls.When you render the image you won't see the lines. You will have to edit your wall type a bit by slightly increasing the walls transparency by 5-10% and re-render. It works great!

2005-12-22, 01:43 AM
Or use a bump map in the rendering. It is the most CPU efficient.

2005-12-22, 03:04 AM
Or use a bump map in the rendering. It is the most CPU efficient.
PLEASE tell me how in Accurender in REVIT!!!!!!!!

2005-12-22, 03:11 AM
I have just presented a rendered perspective of a historic-looking wall with 2"x2" reveals running horizontally to represent reveals in Terra Cotta. Now the client wants to see the reveals forming angled patterns around the windows (simulating historic arches and keystones). The Wall Reveals tool only allows for purely horizontal patterns to be cut into walls.

How can I form ornament on my walls?

Thanks for any tips.Are you wanting a flat reveal or a 2" line reveal in the shape of an arch.? You can nest a void with a matching wall material lining the void to make the recess - Using a void will not place the surface pattern on the back of the void, thus a "fake" lining is required. Its a little work, but can be done. I usually have to do recesses that simulate windows, and this is one technique that I have used.
Look at this example (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5932&highlight=bank). This has combinations of voids with infills (arches over the windows) and recessed arches in the tower - center image.

2005-12-22, 05:29 AM
ski, that's not in Yazoo City, Mississippi is it?

2005-12-22, 05:56 AM
Would love to actually see a sketch of what you're wanting to see. On the guessing side, I would say... Skisouth's idea of using reveals with voids and solid extrusions are your best bets. I've used this both ways - as an in-place family, or as an external family component made to flex, etc. Make sure that you create these with Subcategories so you can control the materials independant of other things, and create a material with a solid, similar color as your main wall/stone/material object.


2005-12-22, 01:46 PM
ski, that's not in Yazoo City, Mississippi is it?
Nope, Pearl.

2005-12-22, 01:49 PM
y'all noted that Kyle didn't tear up my little bank presentation- that's mighty nice of him. ...

2005-12-22, 02:22 PM
y'all noted that Kyle didn't tear up my little bank presentation- that's mighty nice of him. ...
Muah=ha-ha-HA !!!! When you least expect it... jumping from the shadows... into the dark heart of man.....



2005-12-22, 05:34 PM
Thanks for the advice. It sounds like others have encountered similar issues (like on the Yazoo bank) I'm new at Revit so I don't understand it all yet.

Attached are 2 images - hopefully it worked. The first is a photo of the kind of treatment I want to build into the wall around the arch. The second image is my Revit rendering as it stands right now, using only horizontal 'reveals' as part of the wall properties. It would be cool if I could figure out how to do all this detail in Revit so that I don't wouldn't need to export it into some other tool like Viz.

2005-12-22, 08:37 PM
I add the pieces to the window family, just slightly bigger than they would really be so they render. I don't have an example handy, but basically its just a blend extrusion for each stone surrounding the window.

2005-12-23, 12:57 PM

When you 'Schedule' the window does the opening size go the the exterior edges of the block or can the window still be scheduled separate?

2005-12-23, 02:08 PM
the opening is just the window opening, the trim (stone in this case is on the outside.

2005-12-23, 02:20 PM
Its hard to see in this rendering but these windows look very similiar to the image posted, this was release 5.0, I'll see if I can dig up the family.

2005-12-27, 10:52 PM
thanks. I'll give it a shot.

2005-12-28, 05:20 PM
Attached are 2 images - hopefully it worked. The first is a photo of the kind of treatment I want to build into the wall around the arch. The second image is my Revit rendering as it stands right now, using only horizontal 'reveals' as part of the wall properties. It would be cool if I could figure out how to do all this detail in Revit so that I don't wouldn't need to export it into some other tool like Viz.
One trick might be to use model lines, then export a hidden-line image the same size of your rendering. Use Photoshop or similar and mix the images together in layers.