View Full Version : Phasing floor coverings? Can it be done...

2005-12-22, 10:58 AM
Hi there

I am working on a project at the moment which I have begun to use phasing for the first time. The various families in my project are all in their particular phases but I am not sure of the best way of phasing floor slabs/floor coverings! For example I have a ceramic tile floor that needs to be removed and replaced by carpet. The floor slab has a ceramic floor tile material allocated to it, which gives me the right surface pattern for the existing phase, yet when I come around to new construction I want to have a carpet surface pattern for that same slab!

What are the basic steps in Revit of defining the various floor coverings in phases without having to put in various floor slabs or is that the way it is done?

Any suggestions that could push me in the right direction would be great.

Craig Howie
South Africa

2005-12-22, 11:23 AM
A structural slab and a finishes slab will probably best represent your need. That way you can demolish and replace the tile floor leaving the slab untouched.

2005-12-22, 11:26 AM
You need to create a new floor for each type of covering you want. Probably easiest to make the slab etc that remains the same as 1 floor and then create multiple floors on top of that for the coverings and set them to their correct phases. You can lock the covering floors to the slab so they move with it etc.

2005-12-22, 02:05 PM
Would you really be able to tell where each floor is demolished, new, etc? I don't think the phasing graphic overrides will affect a surface pattern, does it? I personally would probably just use keynotes to indicate where existing finishes are to be removed, and have a finish schedule showing new finishes, or existing to remain finishes where applicable.

2005-12-22, 02:41 PM
If you do a before and after plan the difference in a carpet surface pattern and a ceramic tile surface pattern will be clearly different. Also you might do a before and after section / detail where it would equally clearly show.

2005-12-22, 03:58 PM
Well yeah that's true... but typically we do a demolition plan, set on the New phase showing previous + demo, and the demo'd stuff has a graphic override to show dotted outlines. However, things like light fixtures and other small objects usually don't show correctly, and I know floor patterns don't. I would usually have a note anyway that says to remove whatever.