View Full Version : Editing an in-place void

2005-12-27, 08:25 PM
I have an in-place void that I created to cut a hole out of a hosted wall sweep. Now I need to change the shape of the hole. I was able to highlight the family and go into the editor (model turns to grayscale), but once in there, it seems that there's nothing to pick so I can edit it. I tried a pick box and a crossing pick box, nothing. It's almost like the family is empty, but obviously that's not the case. Even if I click on the Don't Cut tool, it won't highlight the void cut. I also tried using Don't Cut while in the family editor, but it will only let me pick various solids like the wall sweep, the wall, the roof, but still not the void cut itself. What gives?

2005-12-27, 09:17 PM
Did you try to select the void in a 3d view?

2005-12-27, 09:28 PM
indeed, in both elevation and 3D views.