View Full Version : Want to use Detailing / Keynoting only

2005-12-29, 06:28 PM

To anyone who can help. I want to slowly bring up my staff to ADT 2005, I have the a arg setup to load as 'AutoCAD only' - the only modules I want to access / use is those need for Detail Component Manager and Keynoting ( as I want to set up specific Keynoting PER PROJECT ) - I do not want any other AEC modules loaded - if possible.


2006-01-02, 04:23 AM
I don't believe it's possible have access to the DCM only. You would need the ADT menu files loaded since it's written into the program to be used with that. You could however configure the workspace to only have the toolpalettes & menus that you want to see using the standard approach for modifying these things. This would of course be saved to the .arg file.

2006-01-02, 01:32 PM
I have never tried this myself, but if you have turned off demand loading of ARX files, you might try loading them one at a time to see if you can identify which one[s] is[are] needed to run the DCM and keynoting.

AecDtl47.arx seems a likely candidate for the DCM, but I could be wrong.