View Full Version : Casement with Conditional Mullions

Steven Campbell
2004-03-25, 09:25 PM
Here is another example of what you can do with conditionals, the visibility parameter and arrays in 6.1. :shock:

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

2004-03-25, 09:36 PM
Nice work Steven !

A good family to study for the proceedure.

Steven Campbell
2004-03-26, 06:36 PM
Here is a second example. This one the mullion pattern is user definable, instead generated by a typical lite size.


Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit


2004-03-26, 07:00 PM
Works great Steve.

Can you post the nested (mullion) componet, so we can see how you did it?

Or, is there a way to save a nested componet out of a family??

Steven Campbell
2004-03-26, 08:50 PM
Here you go; I can't post both because I don't have enough space left to do so.

There is 6 total families involved, in reverse order.
single horizontal mullion - "Mullion-Horiz.rfa"
single vertical mullion - "Mullion-Vert.rfa"

array of horizontal mullions "Mullion Pattern-Horz2.rfa"
array of vertical mullions "Mullion Pattern-Vert2.rfa"

"Mullion Pattern2.rfa" that nests the arrayed families and a set of single families. This family controls the visibility of the mullion pattern options. Such that if one, two or more lites are selected in either direction the correct group of pieces is made visible.

And of course the host window "Casement w Mullions.rfa" controlling the global visibility of the sub families.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

2004-03-26, 09:06 PM
Steven, I have increased your upload quota...so post away...

Steven Campbell
2004-03-27, 01:09 AM
Sweet and I didn't have to fill out a form... :D

Here are the files that were used to create the first casement example.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

2004-03-31, 03:33 PM
2 questions about nesting families like this one and conditional formulas:

Is there any way to keep file size of these nested families low? they seem to be no smaller than 4-500 k's each.... any particular process to follow? optimization to reduce the size?

2. seems like conditionals perform much faster than actual formulas, even when controlling arrays, is that true? should one use, if possible, conditionals rather than numeric formulas in families?

2004-04-20, 03:57 PM
Can someone help me see the light?
How are the MWidth and MHeight working?
I can not find the parameter displayed in any views. it is a length parameter so it should show up on a dimension some where, right?
Also I have not found a way to adjust the nested mullion family outside of the it's actual family? I want to, got to build some of these myself. They are just too cool not to.

Steven Campbell
2004-04-20, 04:17 PM
Can someone help me see the light?
How are the MWidth and MHeight working?
I can not find the parameter displayed in any views. it is a length parameter so it should show up on a dimension some where, right?
Also I have not found a way to adjust the nested mullion family outside of the it's actual family? I want to, got to build some of these myself. They are just too cool not to.

MWidth and MHeight are just a calculation I created 5" less then the width and height. No visible dimension label for this parameter. I could of made it more complex but I thought this family was already too complex. If you click on the mullion pattern in the window family and go to it's properties, then click on the little "=" sign at the end of the Width row you will see the "Width" parameter in the mullion pattern family is linked to the "MWidth" parameter in the window family.

In what way are you trying to adjust the mullion family??? Then I can give you better idea of where to start.

Steven Campbell
Autodesk Revit

B. Strube
2004-05-15, 07:20 PM
I am having trouble figuring out how to assign a visibility parameter (yes/no) to a model object in a family. Say for example the window trim in your family as an instance parameter that can turn it off and on. I can create a new parameter, but can't figure out how to assign it to the model.

2004-05-15, 07:30 PM
This Cheat Sheet (http://www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=3836&highlight=) Steven shared in another post might help?

Scott D Davis
2004-05-15, 07:42 PM
I think he means 'how do you get the on/off assigned to the geometry'. In the family editor, after creating the parameter, go to the visibilty check box. on the far right of the row is a small gray box, with an equal sign over the column heading. Click that, and it will allow you to set the on/off = to a parameter.

B. Strube
2004-05-17, 02:00 PM
Yes, I this is what I needed......it still took we a little while to find the check box you refered to, which is located under the objects properties then under visibility. Thanks so much.

Scott D Davis
2004-05-17, 03:37 PM
Yeah I wanted to post an image, but only have 5.1 at home. I'll post one today so others can figure it out!

Ok: here's the screenshot. This is in the family editor, when you select the solid geometry you wan to control, and go to the properties of that geometry:


2004-06-21, 02:54 PM
Steven Campbell,

Please explain what the conditional mullions use as their host object. Is it the glass extrusion?

Also is there a way to find out what the host element is when a host has been selected?

In playing with this family I see that while in the mullion example family itself you've created multiple familes for example, 36x36 and 48x48, you don't actually need these families within the final window family. In your Casement window family, I created a 60" x 72" family and the mullions did automatically adjust to the 5x6 pattern, rather than staying at the 4x4 pattern. Correct?
