View Full Version : organizing view on a sheet

2005-12-30, 01:58 PM
When you place view on a sheet they seem to align based on some property. It looks like if you have a ceiling plan and floor plan on the same sheet it is aligning to the center of the area in the view. Anyway, my question is how do you organize those view on the sheet. Say you have the first floor on one sheet and you want the second floor plan to be in the same position on the next sheet. It does not seem that you can snap to any points on the view to move them to a certain location on the sheet.

Is this correct?

Another issue along the same lines is that if you have a series of callouts on a page that you want to align across the page using a level line or grid line as a datum for your cannot get them to align because you can't select them. Any ideas?

2005-12-30, 02:08 PM
My views align via gridlines if plan views or callouts, or by level lines if elevations or sections, or they will align by the view title's position (and the titles will also align on their own when you adjust their positions).

2005-12-30, 02:54 PM
we created a line type called view placement, and made it from the drawing to the corner of the border. then before plotting we turn that line type off (or to white) I know it is crude but is pretty easy to set up and utilize

2005-12-30, 03:27 PM
But I don't think you can snap an element in a view to an element on the sheet, can you? How does your view placement line work?

2005-12-30, 07:46 PM
Have you looked at turning on the Work Plane Visibility Grid then setting the grids to whatever you find useful, like 2". Then lining things up. I realize it won't snap like you want from sheet to sheet but once you set up the grid properties all you have to do it click on it's Screen looking icon at the upper left of your menu bar. Seems you can get close enough that everything will seem to line up sheet to sheet.

2005-12-31, 10:50 PM
same answer you get the pages to look the same but they are not truely in the same place

2006-01-01, 11:28 AM
Any views you place on a sheet will align with each other according to the models absolute coordinates. EG even if you don't have grids, 2 plans will snap into place when they line up, and similarly a plan and an elevation will snap if they line up. (A green line appears and the view snaps into place)

If you want plans to appear on the same place on different sheets, one way I think I acheived it (its been a while since I needed to do it) was by placing the plans onto 1 sheet (eg put all plans on the ground floor sheet) and then selecting each plan and edit>cut it then go to the corrrect sheet it should be on and edit>paste aligned>current view.

2006-01-02, 10:48 AM
I still use AutoCAD 2004, so things may have evolved in the meantime; I use the alignspace command to line up plans on different sheets. It's in the express tools "layout tools" pull-down.
You will need some construction lines in the Paper space and this command allows you to snap on an element in model space, it then switches to Paper space to allow you select the point to snap to.

e.g. Command: alignspace

FIRST alignment point in MODEL space:
SECOND point in MODEL space or <Return> for none:

Alignment point in PAPER space: _perp
Activate the desired viewport to align and press ENTER to continue.

Hope this helps you out.

2006-01-02, 02:52 PM
...I still use AutoCAD 2004, so things may have evolved in the meantime...Sorry Conor, the commands for AutoCAD are of no help for Revit Building. It is a completely different software application. Only a few commands share the same names, like move, copy, align etc.

2006-01-03, 04:23 PM
I'll keep quiet then; sorry...