View Full Version : tags in linked files...

2005-12-31, 11:08 PM
After having to move around two townhouse buildings on my site plan one too many times and having the buildings ripped apart each time I did it... I finally gave in and separated out the buildings and then linked them back into the site plan. Very cool in that now I can move the buildings around with no problems. What's not so cool is that I now can't "tag" any of the linked building's elements, e.g. doors, windows, walls, etc. (This was after getting over the frustration of not being able to control the visibility of sub-categories of linked files). I obviously should have tested it out further before proceeding (and searched the forum), but I continued under the impression that R8.1 could "schedule" linked files (not much use if I can't show the tags on the floor plans).

Am I missing something or this whole "linking" thing close to useless? (sorry, that's a rhetorical question - I'm extremely frustrated at the moment :banghead: )

I guess I'll have to split my drawing set into two files - one with floor plans and schedules and one with site information, elevations, sections, etc.

Please let me know if anyone has any advice in dealing with multiple linked buildings on an involved site under a single contract set. Thanks.

2005-12-31, 11:33 PM
I just realized that my view tags (elevation and section tags) won't correspond to each other if they're created in different drawings. I guess I'll have to create duplicate "dummy" sheets to place "dummy" elevations and sections on so that the view tags will read right. This is turning into a logistical nightmare...

Maybe I should dump the linked files approach while there's still time...

2006-01-01, 12:38 AM
Link the buildings to the site plan , so that you can position them easily there. ( as you have done. )

Publish co-ordinates to the building file(s). Save locations. Then link the site back into the building file(s),using position by shared co-ordinates, so that you can show accurate elevations and sections for the topo and the site plan. The building file(s) will contain the door and window tags and schedules for those elements related to the correct sheets.

2006-01-01, 01:40 AM
Publish co-ordinates to the building file(s). Save locations. Then link the site back into the building file(s),using position by shared co-ordinates, so that you can show accurate elevations and sections for the topo and the site plan.
Thanks Beegee! I was reluctant to wade into all this cross-linking, but it worked pretty well.

I'm not through this yet, but I've come off the ledge for the time being.

2006-01-01, 02:01 AM
Just take deep breaths and don't look down. :grin:

Post if you need more information about the linking - shared co-ordinates process.