View Full Version : Projections to the floor below

2004-03-26, 11:19 PM
Does anybody know how to show a skylight projection when inserting a skylight in the floor below, and also I usually show the boundary of the floor above (not all the walls) as a projection, any ideas?

2004-03-26, 11:20 PM
by the way, I'm using the skylight family from the Imperial Library in the Windows folder.

2004-03-26, 11:27 PM
The easiest way is to temporarily set the view range to show the skylight / foor above and use the linework tool to chage the lines to "above" or "hidden" etc, then reset the view range.

I have tried adding an invisible line to a skylight and also projecting its outline onto the lower level plan, but that doesn't work properly for a pitched roof, since the projection is perpendicular to the roof plane, not the floor plane.

2004-03-26, 11:59 PM
thanks, beegee, i underlayed the skylight level in my view and created the projection with hidden lines; By the way, I locked the projected lines (drawn) to the skylight above, and now every time I move the skylight, the projection goes along.

2004-03-27, 12:11 AM
thanks, beegee, i underlayed the skylight level in my view and created the projection with hidden lines; By the way, I locked the projected lines (drawn) to the skylight above, and now every time I move the skylight, the projection goes along.

Yes, thats the way it works. Same with roof plans. If you amend the roof by sketching, you lose the linework association though.