View Full Version : Header in window family doesn't show in framing plan

2004-03-27, 07:45 PM
Just did a quick experiment and nested a structural LVL into a window family to create a header.

Loaded the window family into a project, placed it, created a framing plan and... no header shows up.

Is this because of nesting?

My idea was to nest header, trimmers, and king studs into the window family so they would just be there and automatically appear sections, framing plans, structural member schedules etc.

Not possible?

2006-04-16, 04:22 AM
Chris.. Not sure if this will help, but I had some windows that would not display properly in plan either.

I had 2 different size windows within the family. One would display ok while the other wouldn't. I discovered from trial & error, (I am still a newbie), that the view range that was saved within the template, affected the display of the window in the loaded project!

So my tip would be to open the window family, adjust the view range so that it displays to your liking and then reload it back into your project. Hope this helps! Perhaps someone more knowledgable may assist in clarifying this?

2006-04-16, 04:31 AM
Perhaps the view is set to architectural and the LVL is structural; or the view is set to coarse and the LVL is appearing only as a single line.
