View Full Version : How do you all roll out updates to Revit?

2006-01-05, 10:22 PM


We are trying to sort out the best way to keep up with Revit updates. We have about 15 Revit users now but as we add projects we expect that to grow to near 40.

We have been using Revit's Network Install package to make builds and then have pushed them out using the shortcut. We have stayed away from using .msi packages because of the fun times we had with ADT3.3 and .msi packages.


How are you keeping up with builds in your mid-large firms?

Are any of you building .msi packages? How are they working?


2006-01-05, 10:29 PM
We are using the network installs in most offices. London has been tinkering with the msi and from what gets back to me successfully.


2006-01-05, 11:55 PM
Thanks Jim.

A second portion to my question would be how often you push out updates. Every build? Does someone walk around to each workstation and launch the installer? Does this overwrite custom keyboard shortcuts?

You see where i am going with this...


Scott D Davis
2006-01-06, 12:24 AM
Someone here (I'll see if a search finds it) posted a method of using Windows Group Policies to install Revit. This will basically check the machine for Revit upon log in, and if it's not installed, it will install it, and then log in the user. Once the group policy is set up, it's easy for each build. Just build the new MSI, and point the group policy at the installer shortcut.

I'm not an IT guy, so I'm not correct if I got all those 'terms' right or not...but you get the idea!

2006-01-06, 01:57 AM
Thanks Scott. That's exactly (group policy) how we push out most of our software.

BTW...way to keep your SC sig on after last night...:)

2007-05-03, 02:27 PM
So i'm attempting to use Group Policy to push our Revit installs...

Problem is, when i make a network deploymnet, i get an exe with an INI file that has lots of dlls, subfolders, other exes, etc. and a whole bunch of MSI files as well.

Can anyone point me to a successful way of creating an MSI file from this mess, or decoding the setup.ini file to know which MSI files to install and if it matters in what order, or what other things that exe might be doing?


2007-06-06, 01:50 PM
I'm on here looking for the same type of instruction, how to generate the MSI from this. Any links available to that guide?


2007-06-14, 07:29 PM
Here's what I've found - you use the network deployment wizard and it creates the MSI and MST files required...Below is a BAT file that will do everything needed to install Revit 2008 at our office. I'm still working on making it work w/ group policy tho - i think it's a permissions problem.

This bat file also moves the location of the FlexLM server, since we were trying to use the upgrade as an opportunity to remove flex from an old server scheduled for retirement.
note - the line below " echo (Running silent install)" is all one line, it just wraps in the forum.


Echo Please be patient while we Install Revit 2008.
Echo (Removing Registry Setting)
regedit.exe -s \\CorpPath\RemoveFlex9_1.reg

echo (Running silent install)
msiexec /i "\\CorpPath\Deployname\AdminImage\RevitSetup\RevitBuildingSeries\Autodesk Revit.msi" TRANSFORMS="\\CorpPath\Deployname\AdminImage\RevitSetup\RevitBuildingSeries\Autodesk Revit-Revit2008.mst" /qn

echo (Setting Environment Variable)
Copy \\CoprPath\Setx.exe /Y c:\windows\system32

Echo (Adding Registry Setting)
regedit.exe -s \\CorpPath\AddFlex2008.reg

echo The install is now COMPLETE. Press any key to move on to other things.

2007-06-14, 08:16 PM
Thanks for this. I have one question...

How would you handle this with a build-release. Everyone has to uninstall 2008 and reinstall. Is there anyone out there that can enlighten me?

2007-06-14, 08:52 PM
There are problems with the MSI being installed using group policies or Active Directory in 2008. We could do it with 9.1, but pointing at the MSI file doesn't work with 2008. The factory says they will work on it in later releases. In the meantime, you have to write a BAT to run the install through group policies or install manually. You could also try creating your own MSI package, but I've never tried it.

bowlingbrad, It depends on how you installed it in the first place (MSI or EXE). If you used an MSI you can write a line in a BAT file that will uninstall it using the MSI package ID.

Here is an example: msiexec /x {5783F2D7-0111-0409-0030-0060B0CE6BBA} /QN

MSIEXEC is a Microsoft Windows DOS utility that you might need to install. /x means uninstall. Don't use this line because the package ID is not for Revit 2008. The ID should change according to build. Then the next line in the BAT can have the install for the next MSI.

2007-06-14, 09:22 PM
I'll give it a whirl and get back to you with the results.

2007-06-15, 09:21 PM
There are problems with the MSI being installed using group policies or Active Directory in 2008. We could do it with 9.1, but pointing at the MSI file doesn't work with 2008. The factory says they will work on it in later releases. Do i understand correctly that AutoDesk has told you that pushing the MSI/MST from GP won't work for RAC2008? I've been struggling w/ getting it to run for weeks now!!
That's why i have that dumb BAT file all written out...

2007-06-18, 08:31 PM
This may be a dumb question, but how do you find the package id of a build that's already installed?

Scott D Davis
2007-06-18, 08:56 PM
This may be a dumb question, but how do you find the package id of a build that's already installed?
In Revit: Help>About Revit Architecture 2008

Build is displayed at the upper right corner of the resulting dialog.

2007-06-18, 09:36 PM
If I've already made a deployment directory, is there a way to convert the deployment to an MSI?

2007-06-18, 10:55 PM
In the RAC2008 deployment folder, look for the RevitSetup folder and follow it until you find the MSI and MST files.

Should be in here:

\\server\deployment folder\AdminImage\RevitSetup\RevitBuilding

I have used GPO's since RB8.0 to deploy Revit. However, I also use a script to change settings before the first use. Allows me to customize search paths, keyboard shortcuts, import/export settings, etc.

Attached is an early version of the script that I used. Lately, the script has been getting simpler.

2007-06-20, 02:28 PM
Here's what I've found - you use the network deployment wizard and it creates the MSI and MST files required...Below is a BAT file that will do everything needed to install Revit 2008 at our office. I'm still working on making it work w/ group policy tho - i think it's a permissions problem.

This bat file also moves the location of the FlexLM server, since we were trying to use the upgrade as an opportunity to remove flex from an old server scheduled for retirement.
note - the line below " echo (Running silent install)" is all one line, it just wraps in the forum.

When you run this BAT file, do you run it via Group Policy, a shortcut on the desktop, or another method? I had tried it as a Group Policy logon script and while it worked, it also ran EVERY time. Granted on subsequent runs it would eventually detect that Revit was already installed, but it still took a little bit.

Thanks for that little batch file. I hadn't found the MSI/MST buried in the deploy directory before this.

2007-06-21, 09:29 PM
We have not been running the bat file via GP for some of the reasons you mentioned, and because the main advantage (to me at least) of having it deployed through GP is that i can uninstall it and install new versions without having to do a lot of fiddling.

we are just going around and double-clicking the bat for now.

with GP, you make a new policy for installing software, then select the MSI and MST files as part of the policy... then they get installed as people log in. Separate policies can run the rest of the bat, which doesn't cause re-installing and error messages.

Revit MSI must be run as a computer policy, not a user policy.

I've gotten confirmation from support that there's a lot of issues using GP with revit 2008. If you're having problems, please open an SR so that they understand how many people were relying on that method. Hopefully it'll work better in future releases.

2007-06-26, 03:00 PM
If I've already made a deployment directory, is there a way to convert the deployment to an MSI?Your MSI is in the deployment directory already - look for the msi and mst files in {Deployname}\AdminImage\RevitSetup\RevitBuildingSeries{or other product}\