View Full Version : 2006 rollout and CUI

2006-01-05, 11:27 PM
I'm slowly starting to understand the new CUI and how to maintain and modify it. One thing that's got my baffled however is how to take a CUI that I have set up and push it to a new user or multiple users. I'm not seeing a clean way to do this and none of the tutorials I've seen cover this topic.

The test station I'm trying to bring the CUI on doesn't match the original interface. My pulldown menus are out of order and toolbars that shouldn't be there are. I've even transered over the workspace and have set this current but this doesn't work.

Here's my setup:
I've kept the ACAD.cui as the main and am using a custom CUI located on a network as the Enterprise.

Is there a best practice for doing this?

Thanks in advance,


2006-01-05, 11:33 PM
Hi Kerry

Please note I have *moved* this thread from the CAD Mgmt. General (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=119) forum to this one as I believe it would be better served here.

Thanks, Mike

Forum Moderator

2006-01-05, 11:36 PM

For starters, here are a couple of threads worth looking at...

Notes on the philosophy of CUI (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=18955)

CUI and workspace videos from Autodesk (http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=19301)

Have a good one, Mike

2006-01-06, 01:07 AM
I'm slowly starting to understand the new CUI and how to maintain and modify it. One thing that's got my baffled however is how to take a CUI that I have set up and push it to a new user or multiple users. I'm not seeing a clean way to do this and none of the tutorials I've seen cover this topic.


I'm about to log off - If you want to send me an email, I can discuss this with you tomorrow.

2006-01-06, 02:43 AM
You need workspaces, but where are the workspaces located? If they are in your enterprise cui file, but Acad.cui is not partial to that cui file, the workspaces will not be able to be modified easily. You would have to attach Acad.cui to that cui file to modify the workspaces, and then detach it. And somewhere along the line you will probably run into "unresolved" issues. The interface elements will claim they're unresolved even though they are there in the editor.

Not my suggestion for the setup.

I use the same approach I advocated in the Philosophy thread in our office, with no issues with workspaces for the workspaces defined in the enterprise cui file.