View Full Version : Phases - How to show windows properly in plans?

2006-01-06, 04:28 PM
See attached. My exisitng windows show properly (bottom window) with the lines at the walls showing. But my new window doesn't show these lines but I want it too.

Phase = New Construction
Phase Filter = Show existing + New

Phase Overrides - Existing lines = 2, New = by category


2006-01-06, 05:28 PM
Are you sure that is a phasing issue? I would check the sill height of the new window to see if it is too low to show in the view. If necessary I would also check in the window family to see if the sill lines are set to the visibility desired.

Someone else might know if this is in any way related to phasing though...

2006-01-06, 06:03 PM
The new window looks as though either the sill height is the same as the bottom of the wall, or the sill extends below the view range.

2006-01-06, 10:17 PM
Thanks but that's not what's going on here.

I didn't change the window sill height - I just made it new construction instead of existing. This is true of all windows in my project no matter what the sill height is or cut plane.

Does any one have an example of where it shows properly and then maybe you can explain what your settings are?

2006-01-07, 12:43 AM
I just double checked this issue with a computer that had a completely fresh install of Revit 8.1.

I created a wall on the existing phase then inserted a default Revit window family also on the existing phase. It looks fine. When I simply change the window to new cosntruction the lines disappear.

There is nothing in the family that would cause this as far as I can tell. This is all default stuff right out of the box - I didn't change anything. Everyone who has every used phases must have experienced this problem, yet I can't find any reference to this issue on AUGI.

Why does Revit do this? Where is this controlled?

I need to fix this issue ASAP and I know someone out there must have dealt with this issue because there is no way to do a renovation project without fixing this issue - linework is an unacceptable solution. Please help!!!!


Paul Monsef
2006-01-07, 12:52 AM
I just double checked this issue with a computer that had a completely fresh install of Revit 8.1.

I created a wall on the existing phase then inserted a default Revit window family also on the existing phase. It looks fine. When I simply change the window to new cosntruction the lines disappear.

There is nothing in the family that would cause this as far as I can tell. This is all default stuff right out of the box - I didn't change anything. Everyone who has every used phases must have experienced this problem, yet I can't find any reference to this issue on AUGI.

Why does Revit do this? Where is this controlled?

I need to fix this issue ASAP and I know someone out there must have dealt with this issue because there is no way to do a renovation project without fixing this issue - linework is an unacceptable solution. Please help!!!!

It's hard to tell what's going on from just reading your posts... Can you post a sample file?

2006-01-07, 01:12 AM
I could post a file but all anyone has to do is open Revit and draw one wall and one window on the existing phase. Then change the window to new construction and the lines disappear. I'm not making this up :) This is Revit out of the box. Default walls, default windows, default template. etc, I haven't changed a thing. I just want to know why Revit erases these lines for a new window inserted in an exsiting wall.

And it doesn't matter if the phase is set to New or Complete - it shows the same way.

What I'm hoping for is someone who has configured Revit to show the windows properly send me their file ;) or tell me what settings they're using. Sending you my file would be pretty silly since I didn't change a thing.

Anyone out there who has actually fixed this problem??????



2006-01-07, 01:56 AM
OK I did exactly as you you said... but sadly I can't repeat your problems...

2006-01-07, 01:58 AM
I can confirm the issue you're having. It only occurs when adding new windows to existing walls. I simply created an existing wall and added a stock 36"x48" fixed window to it. Changed the phase to New + Previous.

It's not something I'd ever notice because my windows and doors have pretty much been recreated from scratch in order to get anything decent (it's unfortunate it has to be that way). I'm not sure if the window families have changed or not recently, but the 8.1 windows don't have symbolic lines at the sill edges.

I've attached a stock window with the symbolic lines added (I didn't test it out in all conditions, but it should give you the basic idea).

2006-01-07, 02:25 AM
Thank You irusun! I was starting to think that it must be within the family.Thanks to your family I see how to make it work correctly. I still don't see why Revit doesn't show the lines - it makes no sense. Somebody at the factory must have made the concious decision to turn off these lines - but why? And these apparently are the lines of the wall below the window and have nothing to do with the window family. So adding symbolic lines in the family solves the problem.

Thanks again!

2006-01-07, 02:27 AM
I can confirm the issue you're having. It only occurs when adding new windows to existing walls. I simply created an existing wall and added a stock 36"x48" fixed window to it. Changed the phase to New + Previous.

It's not something I'd ever notice because my windows and doors have pretty much been recreated from scratch in order to get anything decent (it's unfortunate it has to be that way). I'm not sure if the window families have changed or not recently, but the 8.1 windows don't have symbolic lines at the sill edges.

I've attached a stock window with the symbolic lines added (I didn't test it out in all conditions, but it should give you the basic idea).Curious... if I changed the phase to New + Previous, I too can confirm the issue you're having. I suppose I generally use the phase filter = show all; phase = new construction.

2006-01-07, 04:27 AM
I have had this problem in the past. My problem was with the view range set for the family. If your cut plane isn't in the correct location in the family file it will not display correctly in the Revit Model no matter what the view range is.

2006-01-07, 06:48 AM
Happy New Year to you all!
There is two places where you should check compatibility, regarding phases: Element properties and View properties. Maybe problem is in lack of compatibility of those two types of properties?