View Full Version : Options Bar Display

David Sammons
2004-03-29, 01:22 AM
Is it possible to view all options on the Option Bar without having to drag the view panes horizontally? I am using the latest build of 6.1 on a 19-inch flat panel display if that makes any difference.

I do not remember this being a particular problem with the previous build of 6.1, but the options in the Option Bar do not make effective use of the space on the Option Bar. It seems as if I am always dragging the view panes along the Option Bar to view all the options.

Dave S.

2004-03-29, 02:55 AM

This is the Options Bar using a 20 inch monitor and 1280 x 1084 display.(with 6.1)

Hasn't been a problem for me.

What resolution are you running at ?


David Sammons
2004-03-29, 10:33 PM

Attached are views of the Option Bar for MODIFY and WALLS with my screen resolution set at 1024 x 768. As you can see, the Option Bar for MODIFY looks fine but for WALLS and other selections (DOORS, WINDOWS, etc.) that have many options, the Option Bar is crowded.

I experimented with different screen resolutions and the Option Bars appear much better at the higher resolutions. I settled on 1152 x 864.

Thanks for your help.

Dave S.

2004-03-29, 10:47 PM
FWIW...I run at 1600x1200...lots of screen real estate at that... :wink:

2004-04-14, 02:09 AM
hmmmm...I seem to be getting the same thing now - never had a problem before? Anyone have a cure for this?

David do you still have this problem?

2004-04-14, 02:56 AM
I have seen it pop up on my laptop, but a shut down and restart of Revit did the trick. Haven't seen it lately.

Paul P.
2004-04-14, 07:17 AM
That is how my option bar look's all the time, will check the size of my monitor. It's a real P.I.T.A.

David Sammons
2004-04-14, 11:19 AM
Changing my screen resolution solved the problem for me; however, I will probably need to pick up a pair of glasses so I can read the small text on the screen.

Dave S.

2004-04-14, 12:21 PM
Or go into the Control Panel and tweak all the font settings to suit your new resolution.

2004-04-14, 01:40 PM
...need to pick up a pair of glasses so I can read the...

Can you say, Bifocals? My "optomitrilectronical" guy said, "they are in your future buddy, one to five years and you better get used to the idea"... He also said there are two types of people, those that wear bifocals and those that will...(unless of course you are the third type...lucky and don't need vision correction at all, but somehow I think if you visit my big "O", you'll find you need them? :wink: )

2004-04-18, 08:48 AM
[quote:395827d534="David Sammons"]...need to pick up a pair of glasses so I can read the...

Can you say, Bifocals?[/quote:395827d534]

No, but I can say - laser :D

Forget that turn of the century stuff Steve, your O can put a deposit on his red porche much faster if he goes the L way.

2004-04-18, 02:39 PM
mine keeps "scrunching" in to the left side. It never did this before. I think for some reason it used to be fixed from the left side and grow to the right now it seems to be center or left justified???

David Sammons
2004-04-19, 10:49 AM
I had the same "scrunching" problem. Adjusting my display resolution creates more room on my screen for dragging the view panes but there seems to be a problem with the justification of the option bar text. I do not remember this being a problem until I installed the latest build.

Dave S.

Paul P.
2004-04-19, 11:56 AM
I've alway's had this problem since 5.0, might have a go at altering the screen resolution.

2004-05-13, 01:17 PM
I am now getting the same problem, since upgrading from 6.0. It seems the toolbars aren't as flexible as in regular ACAD.