View Full Version : Locking imported image

2006-01-06, 09:40 PM
Hi all,

Is there a way to lock an image that is imported as an underlay? It would be nice to be able to select objects on the image without having to deselect it all the time. I need to stop accidentally moving the underlay! Any hints? Thanks.

2006-01-06, 09:51 PM
Select the image and click the pin button on the toolbar.

2006-01-06, 11:16 PM
Ahh, that does make it better. I don't know how I missed that!

It does let you delete the pinned object though (gives you a warning)....it would be nice if there was a feature like when you lock a layer in Autocad. The objects on the locked layer don't get erased. I would like to have the possibility to make something unselectable. Maybe this is a wish list item, although it doesn't rank high on my list :)

2006-01-07, 02:14 AM
Ahh, that does make it better. I don't know how I missed that!

It does let you delete the pinned object though (gives you a warning)....it would be nice if there was a feature like when you lock a layer in Autocad. The objects on the locked layer don't get erased. I would like to have the possibility to make something unselectable. Maybe this is a wish list item, although it doesn't rank high on my list :)
You could create a Design Option Set with only one option (call it "Unselectable"). Any objects put in that Option wouldn't be selectable without changing the check box in the option bar. This won't work for view-specific elements, though.

2006-01-07, 08:11 AM
Or you could workset the project. Start a new Revit session, close projects, set user name to "Unselectable". Open a local, create new workset "unselectable ", move the elements to that workset. STC without relinquishing. Close and close session.

Makes it difficult for users to edit those elements, not impossible, ... just time consuming for them.

2006-01-09, 05:51 PM
Thanks guys for the tips. Unfortunately, both don't work for images.

The workset option for some reason still lets you delete the image. It's peculiar. I did exactly as you suggested and didn't relinquish. I changed the username and it showed the workset as being opened by Unselectable. Yet, even when I turned the visibility of that workset, the image still showed, and it was selectable, editable and deletable. If you try that with a wall, it works fine, even though it lets you select the element and then just reports an error when you try to delete it.

As for the design option, it won't let you add an image to a design option. I tried it with a wall and it worked fine. It seems like this would have been the best option, as when you put something on a design option, it would act as if it were on a "locked layer".

Seems like this really qualifies as a wishlist item and it doesn't seem like there are any viable workarounds. Keep the ideas flowing and thanks all!

2007-04-19, 02:56 PM
Ahh, that does make it better. I don't know how I missed that!

It does let you delete the pinned object though (gives you a warning)....it would be nice if there was a feature like when you lock a layer in Autocad. The objects on the locked layer don't get erased. I would like to have the possibility to make something unselectable. Maybe this is a wish list item, although it doesn't rank high on my list :)This would be great. A lock or freeze option for the underlay.

2007-04-19, 03:37 PM
I think that the PIN should BE that lock. If its pinned, id prefer it not be deletable or editable. I have enough trouble getting people to read the warning boxes when they come up, haha. If all they get is a warning, im in trouble.

Irwin, thats a great idea! I wish i had through of it, lol. Were always looking for ways to maintain and manage the integrity of Grids. We've been through pinning, constraining, Linking in (with and without Copy Monitor), etc... I never through about the design options. Ill have to play with that one. I wonder if you can edit the grid heads though? Ill have to look... :)

2007-04-19, 03:39 PM
Interesting idea, but you cannot edit the grid heads unless you uncheck Exlude Options, or go in the Design Option Edit mode.

I guess its all the same... There will always be a way for someone to do what they shouldnt, hehehe.... Its a nice safegaurd though!

2007-04-19, 03:45 PM
I agree 1000%. The Pin option should NOT let you delete an object until you unpin it. It should behave like a pinned grid in a curtainwall...you have to unpin first and then delete.

2007-04-19, 05:44 PM
I'd like to see a vastly improved "pin" tool, one with some kind of hierarchy though. If I pin a reference plane, I can still stretch it's extents. Same with a wall. I can't move it without unpinning, but I can delete it. I'd like a "pin" tool with several options.

Unpinned - you can do anything to it
Pinned - You can't move it, but you can stretch it, etc (but not delete it!)
Locked - You can't move it or stretch it or delete it (but you can unlock it)
Padlocked - Only the user who locked it can unlock it

I think that these restrictions need to apply equally to users and to the program. So, if I lock a wall, a user can't move, stretch, or delete it. AND, neither can Revit. If another wall is built next to it, Revit won't stretch it to meet the corner if it's locked, but it will if it is pinned. Same thing should apply in section, etc...

Ultimately, pinning is just another constraint. Instead of constraining to geometry (like with align and lock) you're constraining it to the coordinate system. As such, this might cause "over constrained" errors and such, so maybe not. Still, sometimes Revit thinks it is smarter than I am, and is right. Other times, it isn't. In those cases, I'd like to be able to prevent Revit and other users from screwing something up.