View Full Version : Installing Upgrades/New Builds

2004-03-29, 03:50 AM
My office runs 23 seats of Revit. When it comes time to upgrade, it's a major drain on my time to do the install at each workstation and redo the licensing, and while I run a script to update the INI file with one containing the office network paths, everyone looses the personal library paths they had set up. If it was once every six months, it would be one thing. But with this latest build it makes three times since the first of the year. And now I'm hearing "oops, don't install the latest build yet". Somewhat frustrating, given that the CAD support role is something that developed in addition to my actual job.

How do other firms in the 30-50 user range handle the Revit upgrade cycle?

2004-03-29, 02:30 PM
Have individuals' *.ini's backed up on a regular basis of course. For this task, even a simple batch file run on a regular basis woulld suffice.

We just do a standard install with no content and then restore the ini file. Were not using any of the deployment tools offered by MS Sever or anything fancy. I'm just trying to get users accustomed to updateing their own systems.

2004-03-29, 06:07 PM
It would be nice if Revit had a network installation tool like Autocad, or was able to do a silent install from a script. We use a small cheap network installation package to push installations across our network and it works great with Autocad and other programs. We used to install Autocad ADT just using the command line tools and a text file for the serials. Now with the network installation wizard it is even easier. Revit should have this tool as well.

Microsoft has similar tools for its major products as well.
